img INCEST  /  Chapter 4 No.4 | 11.43%
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Reading History

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1458    |    Released on: 20/04/2022

shorter than usual, R

coming Booth Festival at school. I'm also excited because after that it's our

kirt. And smiled. "It

sides, she's not plastic.. I mean she is true a person. Unlike our other classmates, oth

ring a cycli

ler on my face as the car

tarving." Jezel said and a

ant to go first? Te

eas of course.” We were about to

here and

s face immediately appeared there. Damn. I forgot to change this. I don't know why w

ps. Oh gosh! he's my uncle and my dirtie

no emotion that Jez told me. So I took a deep b

'I scolded. She knows everything. About what

really screwed Rox !I

e me Jez. Just

he waiter give us our food. We ate and

S Or M?" Jez asked whi

o see the curve!" She s

all when my cellphone

er immediately took our luggage

care of the house. Just text me when you nee

e are you now?" We we

. I'm sorry, it


o parties. Savier will

mered heari

dad. Tak

s, take care.” D

d weeks a

t Savier at home, I became diligent in my studies. I was s

dark and there are groups of students on their way ho

on his nap. "You're being clin

a playgirl. Y

nd nodded "

eaning against the car and he put

e turned on?

s dark here in the parking area. So I didn't bother.I like playing boys who li

y neck. "Shit Caleb

l I be your boyfriend?" he whispe

d him when he caressed m

apologized as hi

st take me ho

a pain in his eyes.

o read. Earlier I saw him in the living room looking at me but I didn't pay attention to him

The door opened and Sav and his girl entered. The last ti

manwhore. He has

think we need a vacation." Sweet said o

hey will do their work. And Sav wearing just a si

ll take care of Roxette." My lips almost bled wh

,? " Oh! Roxette is h

both turned to me and I q

e's important. Her name is the one I saw on

and looked at me carefully." What are you puttin

ply. I'm irritated that s

n't want to b

e you don't have pores. And you kn

say a words.S

immediately. "Can we st

became serious in front of the


e my father but I know I go

ew minutes and I googled about what

ye and left the library. I could hardly breathe

other on the table. So I could almost feel hi

ng in my right ear.I cleared my throat and


ed. "Ma

nd handed

e returned to the seat behind me a

nt for Lunch? I can cook for you." He whisper

with the emphasi

I want? Gosh! W


me baby. "I know you like chicke

lip. "Y-Y

n my ear that I could hardly understand what

ering my neck and looked at me. My eyes almost rolled wh

ed so softly at me that I

tered in so


s?" he mocked. "Al

left the library. it didn't even pay at

e?" He asked. Immed


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