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Chapter 7 Cornered

Word Count: 856    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

ad shorter than me but from her muscular build

her short brown hair into a ponytail before lookin

er,” Star

ed her face t

oing down

r fist back ready to sink her fist into my face when I g

hifted to scarlet and I felt my fangs emerge in response to the approaching danger. I sca

out for me to run. I had to fight my

ng as I crashed to the ground. I felt myself being crowded in as I struggled to rise to my feet. I lunged forward, grabbing a

or in their eyes as they saw me with blood dripping from my mouth as the girl laid beside me screaming. I used their indecision to finall

Star, spectating from afar instead of taking par

d to shift. I’d only shifted a few times in my life, only in extreme situations to avoid the excruciating pain. But n

the amount of pain I was feeling. My tears flowed freely as I transformed into my werewolf form, my senses heightened even more. The pain was tortu

I was stunned to see other werewolves closing in on me in their forms. They must’ve seen me transformin

ility of death. I shook my head, snapping out of it. This was not my first run in with d

inted the strongest, deciding to go after it. If I could defeat the strongest, maybe the o

elt one of the nearby werewolves ram into me. I cocked back my paw, ready to land a blow on the werewolf when I felt t

as my injuries multiplied. I was starting to become dizzy, teetering on the brink of consciousness and un

to see him to know who the owner of that hollow bellow belonged to. His viride

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