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Chapter 3 The Sentencing

Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

exclaimed incredulously, look

ing anywher

e declared, his mouth

ring to grab me. I retracted my arm out of h

,” he said, eying at me distast

I won’t mention t

of your father?” he fi

he one scared of Abel,”

ed, walking ahead as they grabbed

nsisted, attempting to pull

ances,” Leo said, tighte

,” I bluffed, shooting daggers at t

n’t read past his impassive exterior to discern whether it was an empty threat or a promise so I deci

ooden wicket gate that looked both solid and fragile at the same time. Abel threw open the d

no shortage of plant life. Tall trees, sprouting with rich green leaves hung over the settlements almost as if nature itse

an abandoned warzone. The only aesthetically pleasing thing was Resmer’s keep, which was a large fortress that resemb

Abel. Children ran up to offer him flowers and gifts while others simply watched him in awe. It was

of the buildings. In fact, the people who hustled ab

ou’ve re

the older gentleman who’s voice had spoken. I w

f men and women who all were seated on a long

ly woman spoke up, her bright b

brid,” Abel s

curiosity. They began to chatter amongst themselves, whispers turning to yells. I was able to

f them, not willing to let them see

tter died down and one

ly before turning to Abel an

brief second with a strange lo

Star. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Abel even as they p


away from the settlement. I had escaped death by the hands of vampire

o funny?”

ield had a circular boundary where the grass was cut off. There were wooden planks lying atop the grass with remna

planks. I rubbed my arms, soothing the red rings that

em I wasn’t intimidated easily. Upon seeing my fangs, the field quickly became filled with threats and accusations. I co

oldest by the looks of his ash white h

h werewolf and vampire. We have gathered here to put an

eered and yel

ns, now would be the time t

own, replaced wit

uy myself time until I could think of a wa

udly, his bright eyes peering

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