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Chapter 4 Caught In the Act

Word Count: 1148    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

es as they turned their attentions toward Abel. Despite the protests

s?” one of the elders spoke up, h

ere gaping at him,

he said plainly, breaking eye co

er spoke up. His expression, unlike the

they were killed. But even though Abel rejected them, he was given an opportunity to defend his decision. He was respected

hat her father would be willing to do to get her back? The vamp

the crowd and the elders ga

was trying to save my life, even if it wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart. But I didn’t. I didn’t know

s I dug my fingernails into my palm to calm myself. I was usually always in control

l,” one of the elders decided, waving her hand dismissive

or now,” the older one or

towards me, atte

id, my scarlet eyes ca

odding for them to back off

building, dark and covered in cobwebs. It was so small, I doubted it could fit more than fi

ted picking up the chains and ropes sc

to do that. I wo

ingly. He could tell I was lying. It was like he could see

rd the click of a bolt locking into place. I waited,

vampire senses, I could see perfectly even in the dark. I spott

urned around, lifting my arms as high as I could. It was difficult since my h

my hands. I considered shifting but I’d probably dislocate

e up with my restrained hands. I waddled over to the wall’s edge and dropped it on the ground. I stepped on the stone, balancing mys

e as it began to saw through. When it had cut through enough, I

looked through the tiny window, surprised to find no one guarding the doo

I had forgotten it was locked. I went back to the window, using my

I sucked in my stomach, holding my breath as I forced myself. I ignored the stabs of pain I was feeling in my chest from holding

silently chuckled to myself. They


owly turned to the side, seeing Abel’s tall, lean figure l

e you unguarded?” He scoffed, n


ide before someone catches

me? They already tried that

g at my response. I smiled, pleased t

hances,” I continued,

my arm, pul

stormy eyes that let me know he wasn’t going to let up. His fie

orcefully, putting

going back. So either step aside or

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