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Chapter 8 The Aftermath

Word Count: 830    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

saying. I could hear raised voices and knew I wasn’t alone. I opened my eyes wider in an effort to see more clearly, immediately regretti

n anger, cocking his hand back as h

ce, whimpering a

mother. Take her away,” he

ting to trickle down my face as the guard

The guard asked, ignoring

replied coldly, eyes calm and unwavering as h

ushing in an attempt to escape the guard’

er. As the guard walked past the rows o

castle,” one of them leered. I flinched at his

king more jokes about how my own

pe. I stayed in the far corner of the cell, trying my best to ignore the crude laughter and remarks of the prisoners, wh

ing for something. Anything to escape. I knew that if I stayed, I would be dead along with

ze, I pushed my small hands through the bars of the cell and shoved it into the lock. It took hours of shaking, twisting, and turning before I heard the click of the door

ust anyone but myself. The assassins were always people I knew, people close to me. Friends. Family. Guards. That was his way of weakening my resol

memory out of my head. Nightmares were no stranger to me, but I never quite got u

fore. I looked around, taking note of the rows of beds and realizing I was back at the same place

ing at the sharp pain in my ab

said, her eyes darting back and forth nervously as

e you?”

, sticking out her hand before retracting

at her, confused

She said, running off

roughout my body. I bit my tongue so hard I could t

head at the sound of Abel’s gravelly voice,

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