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Chapter 9 A Change In Plans

Word Count: 1135    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

ed my legs over the bed, the pain diffusing throughout my body enough to make m

limbs folded beneath me. I braced myself for a fall that

at his touch, every nerve in my body igniting in response. I gasped as my fangs jutted out, m

r help. You shoul

lly, his eyes full of regret. as h

up at his words. I hated him. He was my enemy, li

voice offered, breaking me aw

g the cup from Dana’s han

ting her gaze to the g

I am, don’t

doubt discovered who I was yet her kind persona hadn’t faltered.

n her eyes almost as if she was

t you scar

re in

her hand swiftly and p

opening my mouth wide to give her a clear view of

my face, catching me off guard. I let Dana

werewolves, you’re dead,” his

guard. The guard eyed me suspiciously before

ce in hand. She handed it to me, gesturing at the

usting,” I said, taking

denied, her f

ok who woke up,” a

Star’s voice, her face hardening as she quickly walked

loser?” I suggested, noticing

reats?” She said

ted, reminding her of how she chose to

talking, I

she turned around and walked towards him. I watched them, huddled together whispering as they

as she glared at me angrily

dedly to Leo, taking one last

made his wa

e they going to kill me? No, it couldn’t be. If they want

?” He asked, a

e you a

on,” he barked, his voi

re you t

ace to say,” he

ed my legs over the bed before trying to stand. I gulped, remembering how I’d fa

Leo offered, noti

id, shakin

ly stand,” he

to a tall stick a couple feet awa

self before taking a step forward. I felt tears prick the back of my eyes, the pain worsening with every movement. It fe

anaged to make out, no

he was running. I took shaky steps after him, clenchi

bel and Star were deep in conversation with one of the el

ed, my dull pace making it

the elderly woman commente

ripping the stick with bot

till have the energy to fight,” she co

,” I forced out, plastering on the most threatenin

Alpha Residence,” she dec

?” I asked, confusio

or you, their love for him is stronger. We can't afford to have you

together. That explained why everyone swooned over him. I figure

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