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Sworn Enemies

Sworn Enemies

Author: nigist
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Chapter 1 A Slippery Escape

Word Count: 870    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

outside. The sun had risen yet it was still eerily silent. It was a silence I knew all too well. The melodious chirping of the birds that usually woke me

ound m

ded leather jacket, tattered cargo pants, and

shifted to blood red. The formerly dim hallway became clearer and

ard another pair of footsteps shuffling nearby. Ignoring my racing heartbeat, I picked up my pace as I focused on makin

I began to twist it open. My respite was short liv

my hand. I recognized that voice anywhere. It was one of my father’s right hand me

ng my hands up in surrender a

my hand loosened. Finding the opening I needed to e

er me, cursing loudly as he

had the advantage with speed but he was twice my size, covering twice my d

forever!” Ezra

and spotted a river. It was a river I

ged forward straight into the river. As soon as the water reached

ything so difficult?” Ezra complained, a h

tting more distance between me and

ised solemnly. Ezra was many things but he wasn’t a liar. But I w

ng to find an escape wher

zra said sadly, his e

ngly, declaring himself my executioner as many had before. I was so furi

aking up residence in abandoned areas but he’d always find me. His assassins would show up to finish me off. I’d bru

dead,” Ezra said coldly. The hesitation in his eyes was gon

t come after me. Mustering up all the stren

water. His smug face had quickly morphed into one

o the river’s edge. I pushed forward, feeli

” Ezra

ankfully the current was pushing me forward, ensuring I stayed on course. I quickly pushed my hai

He couldn’t come after me if I crossed the river. The waterfall was the on

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