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Chapter 5 Tensions Rise

Word Count: 881    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

s face away from me bu

ide,” I repeated, exasperat

fingers up to his mouth befo

people emerging from the shadows from every direction. It

ng his eyes wandering in a cl

your way,” I sa

ched from the shadows grabbed my

ling him closer and sinking my fangs deep into his neck. He screamed

the shadows to subdue me from the corner o

thing heavy collide into the back of my head,



tart to radiate throughout my head. I brought my hand up to the back of my head, fe

oice offered, shoving a

e blonde haired girl looking down at me. Her f

d the water, downing it in a few gulps before p

finding myself in what seemed to be an infirmary. The room was plain, beds

watch you until you woke up.

I said, narrowing my e

ught you’d be hungry,” she pointed

xit before spotting one a couple feet away. I started walking q

supposed to-

w what was happening, I felt a strong blow come crashing into my stomac

vancing towards me once agai

reasoned, holding on

re you defending her?” She screamed

e werewolf I attacked. I reached my hand up to my head, sudden

the council. We’re keeping her a

wants. She’s not worth it,” s

ad at yourself,

she asked, fire rei

end wouldn’t have gotten hurt. So if you really think about it, it’s your f

e, letting go of Star as she came rushing towards me. I

eared seemingly out of nowhere and

started, her eyes

e you that,” he said, squeezing her shou

his sea green eyes burrowed into my soul. He turned,

’re the ones who kidnapped ME for crying out loud. What angered me even more was the guilt that was beginning to creep ins

tched him stroll ahead. I h

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