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Chapter 2 Captured

Word Count: 970    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

ut my arms, embracing the wind as it pushed and pulled at me. In this moment, I couldn’t care that I

r barely at my shoulders. I coughed, clutching my ribs in pain as I struggled to fix my breathing. I winced, feel

e rang out fr

ring the fact that I was

he asked, now soundin

tering a smile on my

to the border?” she asked, ey

ake a dip,” I said, laughing nervously a

d this far out. You know

ath I was holding in, realizing she had no idea who I was. I don’t know what I expected

few feet before I h


deep baritone possessed an air of autho

ore turning around. This time there were three of them. It was two guys and a girl. The boy, the one who had spoke, was taller than the other two. His be

to the border?” he asked agai

ing to uncover all my deepest secrets. I forcibly tore my eyes fro

ing my gaze on the girl. Her face was a bit more relaxed than the ot

ou should go home,” s

aid, smiling bef

hollow voice causing every

n you before. W

arents will be wondering where I am,” I

as he took in my attire. I’ll admit, I looked suspicious. I was filthy an

siness,” I snapped, ann

across his face and his eyebrows furrow in annoyance. I

ou from?” the ot

Father mention them once or twice whenever he was angry. Of course now

I didn’t make it but a few feet before I felt strong arms tackle me from behind. crashing down to the ground, falling forward right onto my ribs with his weight on top of me. I screamed in pain as I rolled over, pushing him

the girl asked, eyin

one of us,” the shorter b

n charge stated, his eyes turnin

so it shouldn’t have affected me but somehow it did. That look was enough to sink my heart right down to my stomach. His eyes narrowed at me, his whole body tensing

s coming with

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