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Chapter 3 : Youthful Ambitions

Word Count: 1510    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

’s not how it looks!” Leroy yelled at Ruby. She turned away from Marion and

gan, but Leroy was now running aft

going to meet you, but then she was there and she came on

protesting that kiss!”

. When he tried phoning Ruby on the following morning bef

two years ago. Claude made friends at the new school quickly. His family owned a fas

reasonably intelligent. He himself was good at hockey. Everyone was talk

going after Ruby, because she had just broken up with her boyfriend, Clau

ing towards the school library. “H

ned, but he could see

ogether? I promise not to talk t

in the library. She did not want company these days, so Claude wo

w photocopies,” she ann

elp you find the book you are looking for

t quickly, don’t

for?" Claude asked, unpertu

f perseverance. Claude found a few Biology books from a shelf very q

ne and Claude helped her make the requ

good at this,” Ruby

and,” Claude responde

ered further. Ruby decided to relent, be

she responded wi

asked with his head to the side. The wind was blowing his jaw length blonde waves rather charm

ble. So, yes I will go and study further at

de said, just as the bu

aude," Rub

hen,” Claude said as Ruby quickly joined t

called out over the noise of th

bad at all, he t

oir practicing in the hall. Ruby noticed him immediately. “Do you want to joi

king about it, Ma’am

e ready,” the music teacher s

ld you like to go to a French restaurant in the city next weekend? It’s my birthday and my uncle said I could bring a friend al

since it’s in the city,” Ruby responde

also really elegant. “So you really are quite a talented singer

ches for new wines. It surely would be an honour to

ed with a smile in his direct

Claude asked Ruby after a whil

” Ruby responded with a giggle. She wonder

allowed to go and watch an ice sk

asked Claude, as they were both mesmerized wit

olated occasions only,” Claude responded d

skate quite often, but I have my

of discipline,” Claude commented

notice," Claude commented. "Is it because of your

le if one mixes with just

Do you know that Zureicka Jones is a part time mode

nded uncertainly. She won

ne launch a few weeks ago and dran

t she is jealous

reicka was quite attractive, with her long, cu

alized that I was not interested in her,” Cl

e continued. “She actually hid under my bed with a knife and surprised me, just a

rous?” Ruby asked with concern

but just watch out for her. She is definitely

dition," Ruby mentioned. “But, how come nobody kn

ad agreed that she would go for psychological treatment. So, just take a lookout fo

that why you took me out today? T

ith you, Ruby,” Claude said with a sincere expression in his eyes. He then

Ruby enjoyed talking to him about any subject under the sun. Th

e next year. Chris decided to phone her, but was surprised when a male voice, other than

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