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Chapter 4 : Prom Dreams

Word Count: 1145    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

Ruby’s life. “Hello, this is Ruby’s phone. May I ask who’

g with Ruby’s phon

his?” Ruby was

is. How are you?” Chri

replied. She wondered why he did no

ibrary tomorrow for h

t ten minutes after school comes out,” Ruby suggested. She s

be alright,” C

it would be right to talk to her about it. He would

ed at the library before Ruby.

econd time that they came across each other tod

ask you whether we could go to dinner in t

reat, Chris,” Ruby r

“Another thing, are you an

ack into my life. He’s not wort

ur phone yesterday?”

. It was a well-known fact that Claude had many girls as his friends, so perhaps there was no reason to worry about Claude too much,

rch. So Chris realized that they would not be having a very formal

it felt like old times. “Do you remember I mentioned tha

yes,” Chri

bit unstable. You know; mentally, or emoti

ore turning into the parking area of the

de said that something weird happened with her when she was mo

ay what happene

” Ruby commented. She did not

eckoned that Ruby and Claude could not be dating if

chair for her and she wondered why he was acti

ntentions known for when they were b

because we’ve known each other all these years. It’s sort

have started dating, so I think he is going to expect to go with me,” she explained. “But, thanks so much for thinking

t the window. “Oh look, it’s beginning to snow again. Let’s get home before a

are of Chris' suffering on the inside. “Chris, th

n front of the fireplace, instead

’t you going to watch?” she asked. She knew her son well

I’m wondering what I will wear fo

something you like on the internet and I promise to make it on

s of nature were not as charming as usual. He walked to the well and wonde

was beginning to get dark, so he was not sure if the person was wa

exciting company, because she spoke about

ere something else which you would also like to do?” he asked

if I don’t sing I will t

u're really talented. So you must have a dress picked out for Prom already?" Ruby nodded enthusiastical

to go with someone else, l

h my cousin,” Claude sa

u,” Ruby responded, with a g

ria. Neither one of them noticed that

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