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Chapter 9 : Ruby in France

Word Count: 933    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

nd rushed down the stairs. She did not even have patience to take the elevator. When she spotted Leroy waiting p

oy exclaimed the moment he laid eyes on her. He was v

r. “What is your problem?” she said between clenched ja

ge back home was talking about your great opportunity of getting to sing in France for a few days. The local newspaper had all the details about your tour with

tel, or whatever,” He added. “I am actually here on m

rstand what he was saying. Was he actually telling the

rinted on the cover. On the inside were the names of the star performers on top of the page a

e? You could have said something back ho

better?” Leroy asked with a perfectl

hat he was right. It was just

ulations are in order,” R

d low in a

s. My manager has a strict itinerary of all our activiti

the shoulder and turned around to go the opposite way. “We also have a heavy schedule, but I guess I’ll see you around,” he s

it. She could have handled it with more dignity. Unless of course Leroy had set her up to emba

assical musicians. Giselle was assigned to make Ruby ease into th

ad promised Ruby, upon meeting her. In a week’s time, the two young ladies would b

or is fast food a safe choice of food here?”

s very busy,” Giselle responded. “Do you like cooking?”

uld be cooking, but as you say

imate theater in Paris, where they would be performing for a month, with Ruby as

t performance?” Grant, the male lead singer ha

so I’m charging myself up for

nerves,” Grant had suggested. “Then on stage sing f

manager agreed. He was accompa

herself. Once there, she was just about to sing, when she decided that she could make up her

the opposite?” someone sai

had surprised her and Lieschen in the bathroo

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