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Broken Wings

Broken Wings

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Chapter 1 : Ruby's Gift

Word Count: 1375    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

een there yesterday. She hoped that her mother would not object. Ruby was not aware of any chores which s

going?” her mother ca

lk to the beach,

for preparing the dough for the pie crust. I did

Mom!” Ruby

elt confident enough to sing really loud. As she neared the beach itself,

side already? Don’t you hav

ass has a practical assignment of collecting unu

tween her eyes. Chris was carrying a small bucket, so Ruby approached h

asked. He knew that Ruby always had a trick up her sleeve. She knew

at the beach,

e burrowed her right big toe into the sand and added, as an afterthought:

me about your next music concert. Is it true that you were selected to go

r about that?” Rub

Chris responded, with a sel

“Don’t be silly!” she chided. “You have to t

nd her friends were talking about

so sing?” he ask

e area. "I don't like talking about Zureicka, because she and her friends are always full of drama. They do not mind their

t's get to the caves

riends, but they knew that it was likely t

here. That’s why there are so many gorgeous shells." With that

call from my music teacher, concerning the competition,” Ruby stated suddenly, a

ing, I suppose," Chris commented offhandedly, because

ock now," Ruby announced and marched off, in

serious about your music!" he called after her. Her hai

t was getting late. Where was Chris? She spotted him quite a dis

f her lungs. "There's water coming up against this rock!" she shouted again. "I'

held out his hand to her, but as she reached out to him, she lost

towards the shore and landed

ught hit her suddenly: “Oh my mom is gonna kill me! I was supposed to be b

l help you quickl

d their towels and bucket, before

ade the filling. At least

to get the butter. “Hey, you two! Did you wash your hands?” Ruby’s mom called from the passage. At this

ld try and get that done quickly, since you’re arrivin

, Chris!” Ruby’s mo

instructions are on the sauce packet and yo

a masterpiece dough, Madame!” Chris joked as Ruby r

oven in less than thirty minutes, b

halfway home. The driveway was rather long and there

ongs. If I don’t do that I will fall behind. That’s what my music

nd to be singing for a movie soun

as not sure about whether Chris und

asked Chris as they hurried along. It was getting dark and Chris could hear h

you know who it

t she turned around, because she realized that they have chatted so long that the

in an upset tone. Ruby hoped

she called as she

alling loudly now. Would Chris get punish

as calling again, fr

on the phon

? If so, was it to inform her that she was no

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