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Chapter 6 : Prom Night

Word Count: 1636    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

?" he asked himself. Chris was shocke

ere!" she ca

iately, before anyone else heard her. He rushed out of his bedroom, down the stairs and out the backdoor. "What are

ing together. So it's better to talk here. That's why I called y

like this! How come the dogs

pulled him aside to stand under a tree, away from

better be quick about it before someone

have heard how your mom answered the phone

with it!" C

l party in the school foyer on

bout that," Ch

his drink and I will do the same with Ruby," Zureicka said ver

no!" Chris

rd this, they jumped apart and Zureicka turned around to leave. “I just gave your dogs a mild sedative. They'r

where the dogs are," he continued. He was now worried. The dogs would never

stairs," Chris' father comman

ogs soundly asleep. They had been drugged indeed. He checked them all and found t

ow dare she drug his dogs?! He pho

our dogs! What's wrong

u followed my advice. If a couple is fast asleep they can’t steal the night o

ease keep your advice to yourself and stay away from my friends!" Chris y

turn around to see who was behind him. He knew her voice well

out for those you love and call friends,"

ka's ear. He then marched on with determined,

ited her to a Church musical one day. Ruby was dating Leroy at that point. So Chris

asking Lieschen to help him learn to speak German. He still had her pho

Nice to hear from

," Chris continued. "Could

ted!" Lieschen respond

ry, just after school tom

chen replied. Wow, that was e

n were on easy enough terms as friends. So he was

nk, so you must have a partner for the

u say that I'm popula

ay, of course," Chris mentioned qui

for the Prom yet. I think guys are

ase be my Prom date?" Chris as

us?" Lieschen asked

t to miss my chance," Chris explained

the Prom," Lieschen declared with a big smile. Chris

et me drunk!" Lieschen jo

rty pants now?" Chr

autiful German lady to Prom, as his partner. Deep inside, Chris knew that he was settling for second best in both

Claude and Ruby were ready for her though. They would w

Ruby replied. "Did Zureicka bother

m about her cruel plans. He promised me that she would remain indoors and that he would not allow her to get anywhe

trust his competence," R

Strauss is going to be my Prom date," Chris mentioned.

er to Prom? Nice one Chris!" Ruby respo

Have you found

oing to do up one of my dresses from a music show which

ing to look smashin

dresses, but he knows that my mom will have her way," Ruby added. "Anyway that d

e main event at the town hall. They were dressed up like movie stars. The boys in their tuxedos. Ruby in a lilac bal

ause her more trouble with

e. “You just make sure we stay away from Zureicka’s friends as well,” Chris s

s charming and glamorous. “Oh this makes me forget all about Zureicka,” Ruby a

oy our evening,” Claude declare

es then announced: “I need to go to the bathroom. I will be b

Lieschen!” sh

d bathroom area. There were beautiful, long curtains as

.” The two girls looked around to see who was talking. Zureick

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