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Chapter 7 : Young Adults

Word Count: 1477    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

f terror at the sight of Zureicka with the gun in her h

ou doing here? Didn’t Chris carry

this? You are just mad! Put that down!” Rub

athroom and ran away. “Now see what you’ve done with your screeching?” Zureicka sneered. Wit

out. You just wanted to be in the choir, didn’t you? But Mrs. Jones did not mean to reject y

ureicka said. She was pointing the gun at Lieschen’s head. “Actually, it’s you

, where she knocked her hand against it too and the gun fell out of her

he situation and grabbed Zureicka by her right forearm, lifted her up,

d not expect any drama or scandal at the annual high school prom. The p

re all sitting down at their own table having dinner in the

Claude commented. "You sure have an eye for fash

oom and I’m so happy that school and cra

with his glass raised in a toast. “To the future!” he shouted a

nything?" Ruby asked later when sh

nto believing that I would dr

he pho

was grounded," Chris explained. The maid helped Z

ause she didn't trust you completel

ly does not belong to her," Chris stated as h

rs from the local Church. “So you kids are going to University now,” Jim, the male youth leader commented. “I guess you’

usic contests,”

flown in from Fr

ds,” Lieschen sai

he can’t harm any human or animal,” Chr

mented. “All she needed was vo

t of talent,” Chris

d until the earl

to enroll in Univers

e past our parents did all our enrollments,” Rub

. “My dad did warn me against wasting time though.

with local music compe

ning into the two of you,”

castic tone. “What are you enrolling for

ple. That’s a promise,” Leroy anno

nd,” Ruby declared and blew a kiss at

patio. “We have such heavy schedules,” Ruby declared. “We had better make a poi

ld hang out three times a

ur elders?” Ruby replied with her eye

Saturday nights,” Claude suggested, while h

work we have though,” Ruby s

erwise we will be emotionally unbalanced

by did many practical examinations. She also participated in local music s

asked one afternoon, while they were studyi

ough from all your prize

to invite me, I think?

first big fashion event in Paris next year?” Claude said, w

someone in the audience was a talent scout. He contacted me after the show and arranged an interview with me. That’s when they offered me m

Claude asked. “I thought we were keeping e

and down to France with your trips, so when

nes for that kind of

much to do as you

n the clouds with all your mu

etect a hint of rese

a bit of a joke to you,” Claude c

s asked from the kitchen door. Clau

at the table. “How are your exams going, peo

university because they were each in their own way emotion

one of voice. She was feeling uncomfortable with both

said with a smile. Ruby wonde

re who is not going to Franc

in on Chris’ face. “Chris, did you know that Ruby was going to France

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