img My Sassy Wife: Drown In Wave Of Obsession  /  Chapter 5 Making Difficulties | 9.09%
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Chapter 5 Making Difficulties

Word Count: 1200    |    Released on: 23/07/2020

prise, Ethan was

t. Wasn't this man in that big vill

ed directly to her vicinity with the help of that male

tood still and looked at Ethan provocati

l, there was no respect i

ked at William with an innocent look and said, "I'm here fo

efinitely a total freak! He was a man

nnocent look on Ethan's face seemed like he was being bullied caused some of the women around him to overflow with sympa

der and joked, "your wife? Can you... Ahem, no, I didn't mean that. Mr. Ethan, I'm just teaching my daughter. If I didn't teac


s disabled man in A City. His family might be rich, but there was n

ich family, this wa

e and be pursued by all women. Yet he became the object of ridic

years since he

.. A hint of sadness and helplessness fla

e a big blow to him. Damn it! How could the

ed her teeth, completely forgetting that she

gh! Y


finish her words, s

William, fell on her shoulder all of a sudden. The muffled gr

uel to his daughter? Even if she made a big mista

f. That must have been a heavy blow... But why... She just

imidly looked at William and said, "please

Instead of stopping, William repeated the previous

came out of G

en out of blood, but she st

ward weakly, but his legs could only b

nds in the air and tried to grasp someth

ad and said, "do you want to save her? How about this, Mr. Ethan? I'll do you a favor and let her go as long as you kneel down and beg me

illing to do such a humiliation! Besides, it

head and burst into laughter. No matter what choice Etha

e An family, she would definitely have no way to live. And if he didn't kne

face. Then he gave a mocking look at

to step into the muddy water. She was too naive to think that this man was his savior for a mom

ith a pleading look, "wait a minute... If I really knee

d really take his joke seriously. But since he had said it, there was no possib

stammered, "yes... Right! But forget it. In my opi

essly turned to the male maid beh

turned his head to stare at Ethan. 'Was he really going

er away by force. It was a piece

ached out his hand and gently pulled the s

ly, we

chance to finish his words, becaus

en he easily picked up Ethan and gently put him

an, he could also make the most co

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