img My Sassy Wife: Drown In Wave Of Obsession  /  Chapter 1 Framed | 1.82%
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My Sassy Wife: Drown In Wave Of Obsession

My Sassy Wife: Drown In Wave Of Obsession

Author: Gui Chen
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Chapter 1 Framed

Word Count: 1231    |    Released on: 19/07/2020

the ground lazily. The surroundings were still so quiet, as many people had not g

want me to marry that disabled

to be lovely now angrily r

d the door and

or the Yan family

a derisive smile as

oticed that she w

at are you talking about? Don't you know that if you get his pr

Her fair face was already red with ang

his life in a wheelchair. He can't give me the life I want. Besides, I heard t

denly stopped when she heard the name. She had heard of this man before. She didn't

s shoulder tightly, and said earnestly, "I'm doing this for your own good. After ma

yourself? Why me? I don't want to risk my happiness for his money. Oh, by t

he side and smiled. Her eyes shone with malice. She

a Yan was right. He had always regarded Grace Yan as a burden of the Yan family. Now might be a goo

face, he said to Ella Yan, "I know what to do. Go back to your ro

Yan on the cheek, and left. But before she could finally disappe

am Yan and Grace Yan

h no choice, Grace Yan unwillingly walked towards him with hesitant steps. S

d, "Grace, I have been supporting you for so long since you were a kid. But now tha

an wanted to say. Looking livid, she said, "

e years, Grace Yan had lived in the Yan family villa. All the money that she spen

wn up, you are bold enough to go against me. But have you forgotten that

he supported her in the past. But whatever he had spent on her, she had already paid him o

would be so tough. For a moment, he didn't know what to

s matter end

d, she stood up and opened it. But before she could even see

wly pulled over in front of a luxurious villa. It was surrounded by tall

it was something heavy because he had some difficulties carrying it to the gate. The driver then

she saw the beautiful woman under the black cloth. B

else. When she was about to get up, she was so weak that she shrank back to the bed. Her eyel

meone was pressing on her. A feeling of

object on top of her body. After hearing a muf

one hand in astonishment. He then st

stay in bed for the whole day? His new maid probably didn't kn

out his hand and pinched the woman's cheek again

ss, so he touched her face once again. B

o?" Ethan An asked innocently

he wanted to punch the man in front of her again, but she found o

y flashed back in her memory.

at a father like him existed in this world.

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