img My Sassy Wife: Drown In Wave Of Obsession  /  Chapter 2 A New Environment | 3.64%
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Chapter 2 A New Environment

Word Count: 1160    |    Released on: 20/07/2020

t be in the An family villa. As she scanned the room

round and looked at

hen she asked in a somewhat stif

ight. He didn't even sleep well because she kept on tossing and turning the whole night. Now that sh

idn't even notice that he was also in a daze. She slowly walke

ready walk steadily, she opened the door and walked out, totally ignoring Ethan behind her. Gr

xt second, sh

somewhere she couldn't even see. Before she could figure out what wa

e there aside from her. Were these people talking to her? She looked around agai

. She was about to walk forward when an old m

bridge of his nose and said politely, "Mrs.

turned around to walk away. However, Danie

ace looked at him and said coldly, "I'

But then, he reached out his hand again an

Daniel Liang's scream resound

words, he heard a crisp s

holding his dislocated arm. It seemed that she

had seen a lot of women in the An family, but it was his first time to meet such

urned around and left as if nothing had happened. But after ta

name, a trace of joy flashed through her eyes, and she quickly answered it.

ht now? How could you do such a shameless thing behind my back? An

uldn't understand what Wi

t even asking what was going on with he

and said with a gloomy face, "Are y

u. You cheated on me and hooked up with Ethan An. I didn't know that money mattered to you that much. Did you even kn

th Ethan An? You bast

nish her words, Willy

a moment. Her head

happening. This morning

aid with a grin, "Mrs. An, please be aware that since yesterday, you have become Mr. Ethan An's ri

iel's words were like lig

appen so fast with

bbed her right ear. With raised eyebrows, she then lo

ssure, but he pretended to be calm

face became even worse. 'An incompetent man?' It only dawn

was about to go out. But a group of security guards appeared at the do

o moved

he then looked around through the corners of her eyes. There were only fifty

tly. Their new hostess seemed to be much

is injured arm, and his li

the villa would be in

her vigilantly. After a while, she rushed over to the side, where there

ity guards followed her right away. They tried t

la was in turmoil. Ind

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