img My Sassy Wife: Drown In Wave Of Obsession  /  Chapter 7 Help | 12.73%
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Chapter 7 Help

Word Count: 1298    |    Released on: 25/07/2020

t smile on Grace's face. 'How could she be

uation. Then he reached out his hand and gently

at Ethan, who was sitting on the seat. Th

an was re


of the Ya

dly at Grace and said, "If I'm not wrong, you should be the daughter that William said h

n't have that k

g to say that she was uneducated, bu

indifferently, "well... I just broke it off with him. I hope yo

ce re

st at this time, fearing

to the maid behind him and said, "interesting. It's f

Mr. An

d she hear it right? He actually agreed to let Ethan have breakf


ching a good show, "it doesn't matter. I'd like to see what kind of person this woman is. You can

accept it and curled her lips. T

lucky this early in the morn

away. Then she wiped her hands gently

s and chopsticks at all! That was to say, he didn't invite them to dinn

s maid so unruly? We've been waiting for so long. Could it be that you haven't taught her proper


the thing in her hand fell directly to the ground. She loo

Gabrielle had told her... This woman's eye

up. He changed his clothes and said with a smile, "it's my fault. I'm real

uldn't teach the maid well. William, how dare you? How could you send such a tough woman i

e awkward. And Eric was like a piece of wood, standing

ok on his face before was also gone. He lowered his head and picked the ne

omeone can't even take care of his own life, but he still lives in the world

nstantly, and the hot liquid spread over his thighs.

ut to pull a towel back to Ethan. Then she looked coldly at Gabrielle and replied, "better than som

e had never been offended like this. She was furious for

Grace quickly rubbed the towel she just pulled over on

, without a hi

ad been a long time since anyone trea

re. He was just giving her a good face, and she was getting more a

an iron face, "Grace, watch your mouth. This woman is


Grace looked up at

new daughter-in-law? Even a meal is so difficult. I don't see the good reputation of

and som

were confused by

k to the wheels from the chair. Then she slowly pushed him back to the room and said, "Ethan, I seem to underst

ughed in a low voice, which made the

hed. This woman was helping hi

. This woman, who had just met him once, was not afraid of

of a sudden. Then he reached out and gently pulled

mental scene was des

e raised her hand and gave a punch to Ethan, shouting, "Ethan, you'r

y, Ethan muttered in a low


Ethan. But the relationship between the two

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