img My Sassy Wife: Drown In Wave Of Obsession  /  Chapter 3 I Want To Go Home | 5.45%
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Chapter 3 I Want To Go Home

Word Count: 1115    |    Released on: 21/07/2020

ased in confusion. He had no idea what was going on. It

security guard at his door to

im slowly out of the room

ed messy. It was as if a tornado had just passed by. Holding back his amus

m. He walked up to Ethan, shook his head e

that Daniel became speechless, a hunch was formed in his mind. Th

oup of security guards. Her movements were like a magnet that made h

tching her. They were all out of breath now. No matter how h

at the people who had been chasing her. Her voice filled with hat

d for a moment. They were shock

t in there wa

a sudden, some men were already wailing on th

y. When she punched him this morning, he had already known that she was diffe

he looked at him with contempt. 'He can't even stand up. He must be the disabled Ethan,' sh

ldn't believe that she w

opened the door. But before she closed it behind

as petrified. They didn't

ather, he was still a member of the An

etely ignored what Grace had done just now. He turned

ushed the wheelchair out of t

her forehead as she wandered around the villa, loo

und and started another journey to look for the exit again. At the back of her mind, sh

villa door, he was stunned

something. Whatever it was, he fe

guard behind him, "Take me near her

aw the girlish shyness in Ethan's eyes. He

you look

c voice of a man behind her. When she

is definit

t have any malice, she honestly said that she had lost her way. She tho

n't find the exit. He nodded, squinted his eyes, an

when she heard what Ethan said. She ran str

nymore. He turned and told the guard behind him to go back

he realized that she had already passed by this way many times earlier. It only

ed in front of Ethan. She then said, "Well, thank you for showing

she could go back home. Ethan was left alone, frowning. He c

amily villa without knowin

d the house, she rush

open, rushed to him, and yelled, "Is this how you

ce, so he hurriedly urged

hen he saw the tears in his eyes,

t the cup of coffee in his hand fell with a bang. In an i

ance of coffee, but it didn't alle

He thumped the desk with his hands forcefully and stood up. He raised his

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