img I Rule the Underworld  /  Chapter 4 The Revenge | 10.81%
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Chapter 4 The Revenge

Word Count: 1929    |    Released on: 03/08/2018

tand. I'm here to

t race and his nose numb. He rubbed hi

. The aroma of roses continually flirted with Evan's nose. The woman intentionally touched him every now

at's how this place works. No one would searc

lowly down his neck and grabbed his collar. Smiling seductively, she turn

nything like this. Still in s

ea what was happening. It followed Evan as he was being dragged awa

ns, everything was luxurious. There were not many people in the sitting room. Most of them were regular v

aped eyes when they saw the woman drag Evan in. Their mouths dropped open slightly and then exchanged tacit smiles. With the shimme

ghtclub, let alone one that was practically a broth

zling light coming from the chandelier, the whole corridor shone like a crystal maze. Th

e half-open doors. He tried closing his eyes, but the heavy breathing and ambiguou

. I'm really look

tention to what he was saying. She was here to have fun. Now t

ile, "Told you that I'm also here looking for someone. Come o


r he understood

nce, he knew that the woman had mi

e this identity, I was a decent man with self-respect. How can

nerously ca

lowed the woman reluctantly. She pushed him int

e. Am I

t that she was quite attractive. She was in her 20s, the golden age f

. Men could hardly turn thei

lose to him. She poured two glasses of wine

re not n

blushed immediately. He was at a loss and could

be shy! Look at me. Jus

nsed that she was faking it. From a glimpse, Evan belie

omestic life would never tr

He took the wine and said, "Fine

der, "Now that's wha

y ghost take possession of his body.

he would seize every opportunity to practice his skills. Especially

fused into his body. However, Evan was still in control. He would never

the Yama, was defeated by a we

moment was to drink the wine an

impressed. Come on.

nother glass of wine for

t the one drinking the wine. An

expensive.' Evan muttered. This bottle of wine cost more than he could earn

ntly a little bit tipsy, noticed that Evan still seemed to

wine. But as she was finally reclining limply on the couch, drunk

ring in his mouth before placing the empty glass back on the

ty wrapped in the skintight dress. Th

have lost control and slept with the woma

husband traveled a lot. She couldn't stand the loneliness anymore and decided to look for some excitement. But Evan belie

tage if you ever got the chance. But looking at the woma

he must live up

most two bottles of Lafite. The wine alone would cost

lucky that you

sigh and left the room. He cast a final reluct

find thos

of 5000 and shared their faces with the hungry ghost. Then he leaned against the

tering in his stomach and he needed the nicotine to calm himself. He still had time to go back inside and comfort the woman phys

. He wished she would come to her senses and go back home after she woke up.

play, h

the corridor, a girl winked a

have an

the cigarette between his fi


ared at him

stop until they took away the last penny from their wallets. Evan didn't care. He had someone prettier slum


repeated the words dully and pointed at

ou foun

citedly and s

ou have taken from me!" Evan

ight back. But things had changed he

ed 300 per hour, not including snacks, beverages and special servi

Evan's money! His month

hed the door open and locked

.The girls had left the room a few minutes before, there were five men strewn all aro

a good

ion. The room fell silent at once. Standing in front of

n't that the waite

Surprised, they all looked at the man s

up, dude? Come to

nce. He leaned back and threw peanuts, one after another, into

wondering how I'd find the m

d his legs and bur

hey still didn't t

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