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Chapter 2 I Rule the Underworld

Word Count: 1471    |    Released on: 02/08/2018

rebuilding sys

host, Evan. Binding now… "T


world… "Generation co


t, feeling a little dizzy. He heard

k out due to excessive bl

thing had hit his head

w. Since the universe was in chaos, there was no underworld.

d rang in his head. Evan did a

to the voice in his head while hold

ernor of the underworld. Please wo

are thes

are saying


. Sister, I can't be with you on the day you get marrie

walk freely between the two worlds. Since you are the first Yama

system rang again

m a three-year-old baby? It is sai

orn to the self-dr

are ghosts in the legend.

stem a

Not re

l breeze. He shivered an

rworld? WTF! Stop

orld in front of him


is be called

seem to cover te

ed like it might fall at any time,

t he didn't find the Yama Palace

front of me, which is not much bigger than the Templ

I want to go home. Mom, t

orld and the newborn Yama, please create the und

loating in the air, Evan came up with


d without

turning poin

ue at night. Now I don't have much money and in my future food and clothing remain a proble

the host will be obliterated. The system will select a n


ven though he didn't believe much of wh

protagonists all reached the pinnacle of life after they got a system. They

t to change

em asked

t you have to tell me how

r if he was obliterated. He was still

he tasks and will be given a variety of rewards, such as cultivation, magic arts, weapon, panacea and

ish the degree of completion and the host might be

rase anyone in the world regardless of time and space, and pull

ogy, someone who cooks well, a legenda

s, Evan fel

bad luck and reach th

ptation of the system and made the most im

earth can I exp

he felt pressured. He was worried about his palace, which seemed

osperous co-existence circle in the underworld, the host needs to

e ghost manipulation spell. Also, the host will g

ails, he will

use the Book of Life and Death. Please treasure i


d g

, darkness fell over his eyes


crossroads. His shadow was l


head and found his wound had


r. Evan felt cold and

ally bec

about getting some rest first. However, after a few steps, he stopped sub

was t

l restaurant with dark yellow light. A figure was rummaging with

before death and became a ghost because of

ure, an explanatory note showed

re reall

ding Evan, would be afraid of

ng was dark. If the hungry ghost turne



n home

"Hold on. In the folklores, Yama has the power to determine who lives and who dies at any

? Should I talk to t

-existence circle in the underworld, the host needs to catch

ystem in his head

host. This hungry ghos

e if he failed to fulfill th

nsuccessful in his career, or he had been mugged by someone tonight, or he suddenly became Yama, Evan

ch girls and the pinnac

, he mustered up his courage and

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