img I Rule the Underworld  /  Chapter 7 Is It a Stunt Proposal | 18.92%
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Chapter 7 Is It a Stunt Proposal

Word Count: 1750    |    Released on: 06/08/2018

re this is the me

eggs meal, cost 88 RMB. Not Rubles or

uphoric delicacies from Cook Battle, so how could this be real?" He thought to

delicious. But if you can't affor

er: "Two noodle soup combos. Oh... and

ir fries would cost another 400. Unbelievable. More than 500

ated in his heart, but he couldn't look cheap on the outside. He pulled out his wa

good at

hen again, you are eating with a beauty like me,

ld kill himself before he t

ney enough to sustain himself for a whole month,

m some extra money, so at this moment, Evan didn'

high prices. Where was the Price Bureau, and what about the Administration for Industry C

Evan's response was quite si


by buying you a fancy dinner tonight. But the food here is really worth every penny. It's only 11

his must be a joke. Who would com

couple sat down at a table near the

up his menu. Look at his surprised expressio

next almost made Evan spit o

day? My wife and I came here just for th

m hocks we have aren't of good quality. Chef Lin doesn't

ll, then we'll just ha


am hock dish cost 888, and they just

ch wer

The food here is

e, it's not lunch time yet, and th

She was right, the tiny and empty res

o invite the guy from Chuka Ichiban to open a restaurant

mself, ideas racin

through space and time. He had the power to decide anyone's mortal fate. Furthermore, he knew that if h

her the souls of others wit

wo meaty stir fries. After one glance, Evan immediately took up his chopsticks.

eating, Kristine didn't hesit

ple were doing the same thing, chomping away their meals like there was no tomorrow.

cal Evan almost

in Chinese Royal Chef or Cook Battle, because tr

I wasn't ly

ng the silence in the car, as she

big meal

rtainty. His face

s my treat

you doing anything now? Are yo

home, so I'll just relax and see h

the Chinese Royal Chef or the hero Soki from Cook Battle. If any of them wer

the city center, parked her

now. Hey Evan, in a second, you m

as she retrieved her self

quickly walked to the other side

k was in front of him? After all, he could travel through all dimensions to make his choice, even including that of Breaker Terry. If he could rope in Terry

s, Evan became mor

n, the job was a great fit for his specialisation. If he could get Breaker Terry here, then soon he

g? Let me go! What

Kristine ran into trouble in

in one hand, got on one knee and held up a glittering dia

any positive reaction to the man, otherwise she wouldn't

hero in

r good neighbour. Besides, she had promised to buy him dinner

e guy kneeling on the ground and proposing to Kristine, Evan was also awa

he weekend, with many

naturally drew a lot of att

see this in real life. I thoug

e a streamer. Is thi

? Let's wa

does that ring ha

e's pret

d the people in the crowd whispering and speculating. He

wrong, K

ve the kneeling rich man a weird

ow this guy. I don't know why he is p

eady switched off her stream and w

ell in love with you. Later, I only found out through some connections that you're

g straight at Kristine, that a loser like Eva

you. And, besides I'm not loo

wanted to kick this man squarely in the

d? Kristine doesn't want a boyfriend

ded the ma

ng to Kristine. What makes you s

all by Kristine's rejection. Instead, he jumped up after

one Evan who was now the ever so precious King Yam

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