img I Rule the Underworld  /  Chapter 5 Give Me What You Took From Me | 13.51%
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Chapter 5 Give Me What You Took From Me

Word Count: 1676    |    Released on: 04/08/2018


e of time to talk to them. So he addressed the hungry ghos

rong with

the man that was next to them. Instea

ngry. E

en he instantaneously became a different person, staring ferociou

ks towards him, looking like a deranged perso

outh, without chewing at all and sometimes swallowed th

at are y

mething was wrong. He stood up

tuffing his mouth, looking as if he could never

Kim, what the fu

ing and definitely not ideal for his digestive system. He took two handfuls of

rmelons. He put a whole one into his mout

ugh to stop him. He began to grab at the food and at Kim. But

crazy? Damn!

d and stop him again. By this time, Kim's eyes had become blood-shot, and


m and only kept eating without pause, seeming

ing is

m, under their TV that was hanging from the wall. Especially when they saw he was s

her? It's not too late to let him go. Oth

ked towards Evan with a feroc

raised a finger and pointed to the man ap


? Bite me? No way.

t!". He was stunned and then saw a figure coming at him. He responded immedi


Holding his arm in pain, he swore: "Fu

was like the most loyal dog, biting whoe

it. Let's teach t

eir ground and beg

hem one

cted Kim without hesitation an


the mouth as if he had rabies, Kim a



owards Evan caught his attention,

his tusks dreadfully white and his eyes

look scared

nk G

uation, Evan, who was a lit

orcing them to huddle up in a cor

er Evan had given him, and just like an ob

ng continuously in t

related to sex, but in that moment, n

several men and bit them, bitting s

at was happening, they woul

ts unfold, he felt extremely hap

thousand yuan. He wished to ease the burden of his family, pay the rent, and leave some

e wouldn't feel guilty even if

kmailed by these group of men, judging from how they freely roamed the streets without

would kick him away without hesitation but didn't dare to kick too hard. As a re

or being beaten. He was kicked away again and

op him, so he took a be


shit. It tastes like its been mixed with sand- bleugh!' He

ll away from me.

Are you ma

d. You are tearing

etended that he heard nothing, drinking beers

y knew Evan must have something d

l Kim to stop. I

nt? Let's make an arrangement

ng at them, the men nearly broke


due from his hands and clothes. Then he turned around, g

's side obediently and squat beside him. It was like a switch had been flipped suddenl

ent and thought, 'What the hell?' as i

because I was dumped by my girlfriend today. But some people decided to rob my money. I'

, as if talki

hisper, all the men heard



robbed you of five grand. We still

imously, one person was elected to hand back the money. As he approached Evan, he

oney. It was just

up. It's almost three am. I gott

ly a faci

y c

and slap him. However, Kim stayed by his

more money so that you leave.

ge through their pockets for the extra money

with us. This is it. Do,

n. His eyes lit up and he took the money calmly, whispering, "This wa

host to follow him. Evan was pleased with how things had turned

ly, Especially when they witnessed Kim had fainting and twitching after Evan left. They looked at each o

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