img I Rule the Underworld  /  Chapter 8 Impulsive Nature Leads to Danger | 21.62%
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Chapter 8 Impulsive Nature Leads to Danger

Word Count: 1825    |    Released on: 07/08/2018

ch o

that no one had the chance to reason with him. His rai

y stepped off the pedestal and got down to propose. The rejection was already harsh enough, and even tho

his hand reached Evan's face, Evan


ees again, arching his back like a shrimp. He then covered his abdomen an


a cool

st've pr


. One guy started the fight without any warning, and the other fought back

still doing

ed Kristine and waded past the crowd. Th

ve off, Kristine w


. She turned her head. Seeing that Evan was just staring out of the window with one hand

re we

d to her a

ou might get into tr

t Evan still didn't know h

did a Big Bull cost? Must be at least five million. Whoever could afford

he had known this would have happened, she wouldn't have brough

just a nobody. What could I be

you. I don't think any man would reject the opportunity to

round. I'm being serio

hing, but Evan turned his head and

had crossed someone like that. But he had already survived the hungry ghost's po

Evan didn't really care about things lik

d not share his

later, and find out who the

hilled reaction to what just happened. He seemed to be pu

elax and work on your livestreams. Don't worry about this too much. In t

t a cigarette. He asked,

l you wan

re her dared claim a background? If he really had some form of background

l. He quietly said, his voice almost a whisper,"You won't be able to resolve this. I kicked him so hard in front of everybody. He would hate me for a lifetime. Even

w might have their brains with them. But when those people confront the

ad turned bitter, he got back on track and continued,"... r


ared at him

mehow cut the line. I was the one close to you and I hadn't gotten the

tone, Kristine couldn't help bu

o back. I just remembered that I still have a case left unfinished.


e, it's

re time, her voice dr

her and turned aw

n her mind that she would still try to

d Evan returned to his residence. He didn't get enough sleep in the m

d neighbour Kristine was busy c

ping me out. Please, I beg you. I have been streaming for so lon

acing back and forth in her room, furnish

ai's club for the wealthy, Aiden Zhao. What your friend did is known all over Linhai now.

r end of the line sou

you, Mr

to help, perhaps there was some recourse. She di

d who helped y

about to hang up, Mr.


that if he were somebody

go back to your livestrea

odded to herself and tur

she do? The proposal was indeed an unexpected situation, but why would Evan kick the guy

him. But she knew about the club that Long was talking

Zhao was sitting in a luxurious office with a long face, looking at

g that it's gonna be difficult to go after that girl Kristine. You gotta take it slow, it's more interesting that

d strong, and wearing a black suit. But even the nice

d that piece of shit come from? I didn't even fr

ed over the coffee table before him. With a loud c

b-ass kid is a nobody. It's gonna be easy to get some payback. At night, I'

e formed a cloud around him, he said,"The only thing

m gonna have a lot of fun wi

ees. The sarcastic and pitiful looks from the pedestrians hurt him so much,

le this. Do you want to invite her tonight?

Aiden was a weasel, he still had a powerful f

good it would be to have a

want and do all kinds of stuff to my liking. I approached Kristine only because she lo

he slapped his thigh and said,"You're right! Bring her tonight. T

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