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Chapter 8 him

Word Count: 1369    |    Released on: 29/01/2023

place he holds my hand as we walk hand-in-hand and I get comfort in his strong Manly hands. It makes me forget my problems and they are a lot. At the front of my apartment he

good time toni

r an amazing dinner. Now I h

ing. Now I know what I can do

r ev

h it” I let out a laugh and he holds my c

Las Vegas next Thursday

r fun that yo

gas so they will be pleasure a

I don't thin

te jet, the hottest hotel casino and

aid for. I can let you

it's paid for by the c

th I haven't b

ost amazing of amazing t

watch and kisses my for

I'll call you a

en’t you comi

y cheek and lets me go. He waits for me to get inside before he leaves and I go back to my apartme

dnesday evening since his meetings will begin Thursday morning and end on Friday so we would probably be back on Saturday. I concur and send him some of my informati

Las Vegas hence he won't be much company on the plane. When it takes off the hostess brings glasses of Champagne and Caviar that's Curtis who is already concentrated on his work refuses and I t

out of my bedroom and find him making a drink that he offers but I don't want to start drinking yet so we head down to have dinner that is delicious and the place is just fantastic. After dinner he drags me to the casino part of the hotel and since I

ready so I kiss him and head to my room before he gets to react. I wake up in the morning late take a hot shower dress and get out of my bedroom. I find a note from Curtis, he went to his meetings but he will

e of many for him. When we come back he tells me he agreed to dinner with a work acquaintance that he thinks I should meet and I acc

u are a creator” Mark says i

” I answer

ve departments at Blac

ly. I don't wor

h on you before I came to meet

What kind o

ts to our company” I am both surprised, astonished and lack for wo

u need is there” I take it as hesitantly

op by the office on Monday. If you have any

me a job?” I ask sta

eve I j

ust end up hugging Curtis

marks says when I let Curtis go and

I don't know what

t on Monday after w

you won't r

much into it as we finish our dinner. We head to the casino where they are

we reach the suit and sit on the couch laughing at what I can’t remember exactly, I think it is the alcohol. he put his hands on my lap and I put mine on top of his a

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