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Chapter 10 The better

Word Count: 1441    |    Released on: 29/01/2023

n I reach the suite

et him like six weeks ago. When I get out of the shower I hear him on the phone in the patio and I


kidding m

of angry” he asks coming cl

k am I supposed t

why don’t you get dressed and we

rs in calm

a while we are at it? I’m sur

Who i

ing to be surpr

card and when I turn around I realize Curtis had

him the card as he t

u ended last night after you left me in your bed like nothing” I shout

culating something in his head alone and jus

get dressed come down and I’ll

is hand. I so hate him right now. I curse at him after he closes the door befor

we’re dating and I don’t even know what we are? S

find him and the patio pouring drinks and setting the table. I s

hair and gestures for me to take a seat. I go to him t

pared this for you” he says h

rs are a n

n’t take credit for room se

fact” I say giving him the eye as I place my untouched dr

er meant to hurt your feelings an

to talk” I

Let me

Donovan” and I tell him

hout an explanation. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I went sand messe

re together or any

at the time. I didn’t know if

and I left before

t be mad about it an

unk and you got that job offer because of me and you told me to

re doing it to repay me or something and that’s not what I wanted from you. I

o feel like

sorry. I didn’t know

badly you have no idea. And wh

lub with some girls there. I don’t even remember them

ry too I should have considered y

here we stand with each other. You

ave only known each

see myself fallin


of you” he holds my hand under t

e seeing each other for n

ancing? Mmh?”He says with a wink and comes in for a kiss that I g

s dying to hear where I went and how it went. I have ordered pizza and drinks and hid my surprise behind the couch. She is going

…….” She screams while hugging me I tell her everything that’s happened with Curti

been keeping that for me

ou but there wasn’t much t

should be mad at you beca

I have a surp

news today” I give her the item


now” she says while hugging me

ou” I tell her apprecia

ng best friend” she say

rtis together now?” she ask

we kind

rek though? Did


nt to talk

m to give you some space a little since yo

’s ri

self shouting and

n you sometimes” she says

ve anything to tell him. He mov

on with

er you decide just th

mazing and loving and generous"i say

am later serving us our di

ting?” wife sorry for breaking

to celebr


h. I promised Curtis dinner on Frida

bad cook

e, pretty plea

hese, how c


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