img Decisions between Love and Lust  /  Chapter 3 The downfall | 4.92%
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Chapter 3 The downfall

Word Count: 1296    |    Released on: 29/01/2023

Germany. I'm going

shrug since I don't

to me r

a fiv

'm moving

e doin

in it to you” he tri

. I don't know why but th


Germany for five year

. There’s still time

find myself saying and I


ady started. Since I'

ad to make sure eve


y Bri. that's also wh

things” we are both qui

rocess this new informatio


what ex

ing. p

eeks and you said not

ob, no care

re working on your o

opportunity you wo

sed to be with

s I

aving” I can't help


s has not been a gre

rse but it had to be done

t and procee

tomorrow when you

happen. Or what you

full of the venom that I j


just like that he tak

partment that I wont to b

the bil

I already lost him

ght now. I cant believ

but I’m too mad at him right now to go so I declined. I have been in my apartment for a week now. I don’t even want to step outside, I just e

now. I know what she’s going to say anyway and what she wants me to do from her instant messages. Apparently Derek told Alice what happened.

she interrupts with her banging at the

door I’m calling your mum” the pounding gr

s already destroyed and I really think she will call becaus

ually threating me. I open the door on her and she has one hand ra

I ask and get back inside the a

ning Windows, collecting garbage, dirty dishes and clothes all over the place. We haven’t said a word to each other and I just let her

ngng from the couch and st

ied I have been? what

fine. didn’t yo


ghs and comes to

other job and fuck Derek. I alre

hanks I

u feel worse. I’m here t

rry. I just wan

alone. I am your ride-or-die” she winks

over but I insist I am okay. We aren’t in second grade anymore. She leaves and I go

the job hunting as they have the connections and Resources I don’t and I do. It’s been a week already since and I haven’t heard anything. I really have to find something

mething fun out of the house since I haven’t been Out of the house much lately. I don’t feel like it but Alice is

ctions for your job besides you get to have free drinks and a lot o

uts it on the bed and picks up matching shoes then a clutch. Alice is a stylish designer s

itting there? “She a

hing you wor

ng to make me late. I have a

the boss” she acts shocked

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