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Decisions between Love and Lust

Decisions between Love and Lust

Author: Mijaly
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Chapter 1 The morning

Word Count: 1921    |    Released on: 29/01/2023

know that's what my day has decided to be this morning.It’s like waking up with a really bad feel

to say it’s a very important meeting which will determine who is going to get the Promotion I have been working so hard for as the creative director of Blackwell Inc. I do remember putting my

one keeps buzzing. I decide to pick up the call on my way downstairs to gra

ad day. I’ll get there” I pick

the stairs since the

for the elevator I decide that is wasting more

u? The meeting is about to start.” She

me more nervous and finish the stairs. Catching a cab is even h

hat I am this morning. A mint for my breath and my phone won't stop buzzing off its literally driving me crazy. I have enough missed calls to panic and as


without you. It’s been half a

t me. We worked on it together, so I'm

cuts me of

He is in the conferenc

earlier? Okay fine just do what you can.” I ha

the largest marketing companies in the world and as strict as one can be. He wasn't supposed to be in the meeting as they have different

lly major bad and seeing as he is already there be

f people. I feel like i will be an example for today because I am sure I can kiss that promotion goodbye. I put my phone on silent as it k

re! Can’t you go faster or do something a

ng traffic” he answers casual

mplaining as Time is running slipping from me and the traffic isn’t helping. I'm running out of my min

ns I'm not just late the meeting might as well be done by now. I should be hopeful and maybe they are waiting for me. Ha!, that will be amazing and not happening. I Decisions By Mijaly Lyimo do

ah. All good” I pay the driver get out of the car and make my way to the building as I try calling Nami nonstop but she does not pick up. I smile at the se

the closest co-workers and greet them with a fake smile and all and I get the news I dreaded to hear but knew was inevitable ever since I walked inside this building today. They let me know Eric got the Promotion (figures) since he was my strongest competitor for the promotion. We don’t normally see eye to eye and

heering me up for losing the Promotion and I play it up well with everyone then decide to go back to my office so I can collect myself for a few minutes

can offer at the time “Thanks Brianna. I'm sure you would have got it, had yo

nd keep walking towards my office. As I near the office I do a double take and stop on the bathroom to freshen up a bit and go to my office. I am los

ut still while looking at me. I already know its bad news so I decided to kill

he Promotion. Lighten up its f

mean that is also

uspense and get on with it” I t

ell’s office” she te

feel confident leaving an entire department in your hands because you couldn’t be counted on to be there for yourself. So he might have decided to give me your position because I may have impressed him during the presentation. But He said you did an excellent job and had you been present you would have totally got it “she gives me a sympathetic look though I can feel her en

she tries to explain but I know s


is she apologizing for? What

aising my left hand in a stop gesture. It

office on your arrival. I am so so

eeting of their career and instead ended up……’’ I sigh closing my eyes. Glad I caught myself before I said so

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