img Decisions between Love and Lust  /  Chapter 6 The | 9.84%
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Chapter 6 The

Word Count: 1051    |    Released on: 29/01/2023

of the TV with drinks and we begin digging in while discussing the movie and making jokes. It feels really normal

this relaxed with a s

ow you are Brianna and my name is C

. you don’t loo

and we laugh at

I will level the playing field by

do Mr.

is Do

s Mr. Curtis

I manage company’s finan


as much fun as you do. you get to create and make things int

” I say to lighten the mood and he star

in our own little bubb

e raised in the morning” he

ealize it w

much fun” and he stands and starts collec

going to s

s? Don’t tell me you're sc

Come on be

u asked s

him as we go downstairs to

uch fun in so long” he says turni

ing out to be a serial

yet to be

r cr

lden eyes and avoid looking at his lips. When he opens them I have to poke

announces and I am very sur

e my head and try to leave his side but he

if I remember correctly you disputed m

ally it

on't know what hap

e the

at right now considering

kiss him back. His lips are so soft and he kisses me so slowly and lets

g at my lips as he' still hasn’t let me go yet. I

ay Frida

lets me go and puts his hand in his pocket and


can let you do that. Why I don't I just come cook at your place in

e with my hands feeling embarrassed by it. He takes both my hands with a smile on his f

is car and leaves me standing there w

husiastic about. I decide to visit the apartment manager as next week I would be expected to pay for rent that I don't have to ask for some more time. She is a beautiful understanding old lady and I have

e entire week. I cleaned the kitchen spotless, filled the fridge and bought kitchen equipments.I feel ready as I wait for that

anna. It


p a this last minute thing and I don't th


to dinner later when I am

voices in the background and he answers t

a are you s


t I'll call as s

y. its

” and hence he

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