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Chapter 5 Get a Job

Word Count: 702    |    Released on: 03/01/2022

ke I may faint. The last time I did an interview I was fresh out of college and so eager to start my career

onal Savings and Loans bank all I could think about is regret. By now I could have been a regional director for Meryl Lynch had I not stupidly quit to help Joseph build his business. I had already been there two years and went fr

extremely handsome. He was tall and I could tell that he spends time in the gym because his biceps looked like they were going to burst out of his shirt sleeves. I

ered me, and I am equally eager at the opportunity to possibly become an asset to National Savings and Loans that is if you’ll have me of course”, I answered. “Well Ms. James tell me what made you leave Meryl Lyn

actually I don’t have any children because at that time my fiancé felt it best to come home and start getting prepared to have a family by being there to help assist him get his Private Practice established. Unfortunately, our relationship ended after his practice was up and running before I was able to conceive”. “If you don’t mind me asking

still don’t know why.” “Wow and yet you sit here in my office looking beautiful and glowing. I would have never known that you had been through anything like that. I comme

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