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Chapter 2 Wake Up

Word Count: 517    |    Released on: 02/01/2022

ith the words “I’m sorry” written in pencil. What does “I’m Sorry”, really mean? See I thought sorry means I wish I would have never done that or I won’t ever do it again or

orry, but instead he meant to say I’m leaving. Can you imagine the feeling of not having the use of your hands, feet, eyes and ears? The possibility that the necessary five senses are gone forever and you have to en

within your eyes. When you can’t show the emotions that you have on the inside that’s

e I stopped keeping myself up good enough? Reflections of your quarrels over you not cooking enough or making love enough

same man that orchestrated our moving day when we closed on the Condo. "Hey Ms. James, Mr. Covin asked me to come and gather the rest of his things. Is now a good time?” NO! I replied. No it is not a good time to rip the remains that I have of him from me." “I understand M

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