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Chapter 3 Devastation

Word Count: 445    |    Released on: 02/01/2022

e comfort that all the bills still were being paid by him. But No, every time the mortgage statement came showing the previous month paid it sickened me. A person

g someone else and the classic question is there something you’re not telling us as to why he left did you do something?" Don’t they realize the emotional state I am in, I mean my fiancé’ has just left me on what feels like yesterday which

cessary for me to work. He said his job was to provide for us and I let him do just that. I let him put me up on that pedestal. I allowed mys

oesn’t? I wanted to be married. I wanted to be married six years ago when I met him! I knew from the moment I laid eyes on him that I would fall in love with him. I knew than that

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