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Chapter 4 Get Over It

Word Count: 540    |    Released on: 02/01/2022

hat is a scary feeling! The last time I felt like this I lost my best friend.

lf of our very bad day. Remember Joseph left. The very thought of it put me back in the mind t

“Joseph is this really you” I asked. “Sam I’m sorry. I don’t know how I could have treated you so terrible”,, he said. “No! Don’t start off by saying your sorry for leaving me unless you are also

I love you and I want to be with you but things are complicated right now”, he explained. I questioned what complicated means. “It

ing he heard was the operator recording telling

hat contradict all of his actions. I’m more confused now than I was four months ago. What could b

with by my family and friends. Could it be that he has fallen in love with someone or has his affections now moved to that of a male? When I think

y and getting over him. I regret I answered the phone. After six years of a committed relationship all I get is “I

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