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Chapter 5 Four

Word Count: 2193    |    Released on: 21/04/2023

of purple feathers, turquoise beak, and yellow eyes. She only missed because Greg lifted her and turned her away right on time, so the bread was hurled neatly in front of the

ead was gone, some of which injured two ducklings and most of which scattered around the flock, Enora pulled out a

gonfly disappeared into a gray frog’s mouth. Enora flung the leaf in her hand at the frog who ate her newfound li

ed on the crown of her head. “Hey,


… hate I

s for a second befor

brother an


r to face him. “You know w

swung sid

me the truth no matter what. Th

erted his gaze, murmuring,

s are always cold. Her smwile is like those bad guys on tv. Weida says her laugh is skeawy. Ken says Aunty Iza makes him

a lot of information. “Wer

“I’m skeawd when my

scared, too. “Thank you, swe

m skeawd that… if I don’t like Aunty Iza, I don’t get to feed duckies with you anymore. And I don’t get my special

enduring a sharp twist from Enora’s words. “Sweetheart, that would never happen. Why would you think that? Did Mommy or Daddy tell you tha

she said, “Mommy and Daddy say

” Oh, so it was

nd Daddy said you had work. But you never work for two weeks, Uncle Gweg.” Technically, he worked everyday, but he refrained from cor

im. This was

rking. I was helping your Aunt Pelly set up a security system in her empire. But you’re right. I should hav

ing eyes cleared as s

our aunt. She’s never going to be your aunt, alright? She’s gone.” He kept hi

nodded like it wasn’t news. “Mommy said she left to pay for something. Weida a

ay for something - her sins, her betrayal, for breaking his trust and hi

d. “And let’s not say Izabella’

nfusion. “You mean… give he

secret code. One that onl

brows creased as she pondered hard. Her fingers on the grass

rted and a toothy grin lit up her f

he media described her as a rare beauty with an enviable body and a charismatic smile, which G

ched his niece’s smi



nd grass showed that she had fun. But when her mother questioned whether she hurt any ducks with askance, Enora pressed her lips tight and shook her head, refusing to l

ttered, “Getting into trouble seems to be good prac

didn’t want to ask. “How man

ke it wasn’t a big d

knitted brows, glancing in the dir

in the pond so the majority was safe. Just as we can’t realistically be expected to protect e

ing to contain his amusement. Unbeknownst to him, his simple gesture set a heaviness in Greg’s heart, reminding the duke of how close he was to having what they had - a rel

ty, asked, “How long have you bot

lance flickered between them before Lucy said, “Since th

ether. “And no one ever me

wer. “The pups weren’t even subtle. Reida and Ken tried to be but E

” Greg replied numbly with as m

nted to tell you, how do you expect us to do it? Just

rstand that… in a family… there will be creatures that we clique with and also creatures that we don’t and perhaps never will get along with. But that doesn’t mean the latter can’t be p

umph over their s

It never did,” s

they knew Izabella was in town. They made a point to ask whether the detector ever detected anything: it didn’t. And w

d a threat to their pups. He thought they were particularly concerned about the newer recruits. Onl

be left with anyone but him, not even with his mate, meaning if Enora needed a potty break, Greg was to accompany her,

s off,” Greg murmured, lookin

ith her. But something about her felt amiss. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t have hard proof. I didn’t even have a proper reason, to be honest. She was… tr

have been a good enough reason to distrust, my

hould have said something, no matter how baseless it was. At least i

illating under the last light of day, forming little stars that danced with the endless ripples. “Just so we’re clea

, driving home and running through a few messages from his follow

st one in the best store, but Hailey called dibs on it in the maverick’s group link, so Greg had to find something else. For Ken, he’d be getting a boring 500-piece p

d animation and exhilarating sound effects. When the duke deduced that the prince probably got the boring gene from the king, who got



Chapter 1 Prologue Chapter 2 One Chapter 3 Two Chapter 4 Three Chapter 5 Four Chapter 6 Five Chapter 7 Six Chapter 8 Seven Chapter 9 Eight Chapter 10 Nine
Chapter 11 Ten
Chapter 12 Eleven
Chapter 13 Twelve
Chapter 14 Thirteen
Chapter 15 Fourteen
Chapter 16 Fifteen
Chapter 17 Sixteen
Chapter 18 Seventeen
Chapter 19 Eighteen
Chapter 20 Nineteen
Chapter 21 Twenty
Chapter 22 Twenty-One
Chapter 23 Twenty-Two
Chapter 24 Twenty-Three
Chapter 25 Twenty-Four
Chapter 26 Twenty-Five
Chapter 27 Twenty-Six
Chapter 28 Twenty-Seven
Chapter 29 Twenty-Eight
Chapter 30 Twenty-Nine
Chapter 31 Thirty
Chapter 32 Thirty-One
Chapter 33 Thirty-Two
Chapter 34 Thirty-Three
Chapter 35 Thirty-Four
Chapter 36 Thirty-Five
Chapter 37 Thirty-Six
Chapter 38 Thirty-Seven
Chapter 39 Thirty-Eight
Chapter 40 Thirty-Nine
Chapter 41 Forty
Chapter 42 Forty-One
Chapter 43 Forty-Two
Chapter 44 Forty-Three
Chapter 45 Forty-Four
Chapter 46 Forty-Five
Chapter 47 Forty-Six
Chapter 48 Forty-Seven
Chapter 49 Forty-Eight
Chapter 50 Forty-Nine
Chapter 51 Fifty
Chapter 52 Fifty-One
Chapter 53 Fifty-Two
Chapter 54 Fifty-Three
Chapter 55 Fifty-Four
Chapter 56 Fifty-Five
Chapter 57 Fifty-Six
Chapter 58 Fifty-Seven
Chapter 59 Fifty-Eight
Chapter 60 Fifty-Nine
Chapter 61 Sixty
Chapter 62 Sixty-One
Chapter 63 Sixty-Two
Chapter 64 Sixty-Three
Chapter 65 Sixty-Four
Chapter 66 Sixty-Five
Chapter 67 Sixty-Six
Chapter 68 Sixty-Seven
Chapter 69 Sixty-Eight
Chapter 70 Sixty-Nine
Chapter 71 Seventy
Chapter 72 Seventy-One
Chapter 73 Seventy-Two
Chapter 74 Seventy-Three
Chapter 75 Seventy-Four
Chapter 76 Seventy-Five
Chapter 77 Seventy-Six
Chapter 78 Seventy-Seven
Chapter 79 Seventy-Eight
Chapter 80 Seventy-Nine
Chapter 81 Eighty
Chapter 82 Eighty-One
Chapter 83 Eighty-Two
Chapter 84 Eighty-Three
Chapter 85 Eighty-Four
Chapter 86 Eighty-Five
Chapter 87 Epilogue
Chapter 88 Bonus Scene 1 2: Chapter 59.5
Chapter 89 Bonus Scene 2 2: Chapter 60.5
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