img The Indomitable Huntress & the Hardened Duke  /  Chapter 4 Three | 4.49%
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Chapter 4 Three

Word Count: 1835    |    Released on: 21/04/2023

from under his seat as the two pups behind raced in unbuckling themselves before getting out as soon as the car doors were opened and raced to the front door. E

ed attentively, enjoying the momentary distraction despite having already memor

g art, demanded a potty break twenty times a day or vandalized the tables and chairs and subsequently got detention. All this nitty gritty, Greg learned

kisses that spoke for their relief before sending them to the kitchen, where Empress Pellethia

ould take her to the pond later that evening, emphasizing that Enora promised not to assault the ducks this time, even though

skills his youngest could have inherited

other was the real challenge, so she was elated when Lucy said yes so quickly this time

ed smile, she asked, “Uncle Gweg,

ut Greg beat her in offering an explanation, “No

The faster she ate and finished her mundane homework, the quicker she’d be throwing bread at the ducks to vent out

d hard and began their low murmur conversation. “I honestly don’t know where to star

e’ll deal with things with the hunters. If you want to keep the corpse or require anything tha

w, Cousin.” For once, the way Greg addressed him con

angle you, Greg. You put our pups fir

Well, unless they had a scarred past and could potentially qualify as a maverick, they technically weren’t his problem. That large chunk of the population was left in the very safe hands of his cousins

recating smile, Greg murmured, “And to think some

strong enough word. The word I’m looking for probably hasn’t been invented yet. Anyway, the fact is none of this devalues you as a creature. You

isn’t anything else at the moment, I’ll

? You could joi

eed to… get some s

g in comprehension, her brows pinched together when she reiterated Xandar’s words, “Let us know if

hank you, my q

d out of the residence for the forest where he u


ella - hand in hand - like an actual couple, he had to fight off the sud

the tree -

Izabella actually glowed brighter but with hindsight, Greg now knew that her giddy flamboyance was for her o

hree feet away from the woman, despite being repeatedly told that she wasn’t going to be harmed, despi

after the date and Greg was bringing Enora home, she asked for a potty break midway. After parking in front of a

t. The moment he turned, Enora flung the plush toy into the trash. His swift sight caught her doing it. He’d ask if it was an accident but it

ked a kiss on her forehead and apologized for making her feel the need to accept Izabella’s gift just to make him happy. Greg promised tha

at was far too tall for her to see the contents inside. At the end of her contempl

ideas. “Weaver would freak out with the open burning; your mother would slaughter me; and your other

ecause she didn’t look very happy with it”. It was interesting. Of all the things a pup could do with a toy they didn’t like - leave it in a corner of the

out having more than it was about liking. How would an adult think that a pup

er than he was. It was a goo

on both sides of the trunk, hauled it towards the sky with all its might. The muscles in his body tightened, veins popped, his jaw tensed, and when the s

cross the stream. Shifting back and getting out a lighter, he set the tree on fire and watched the billowing smoke engulfing the space. He kept an eye on the grass, splashing water if any chunk caught the flames. Wh

d freak out. The queen would kill him.



Chapter 1 Prologue Chapter 2 One Chapter 3 Two Chapter 4 Three Chapter 5 Four Chapter 6 Five Chapter 7 Six Chapter 8 Seven Chapter 9 Eight Chapter 10 Nine
Chapter 11 Ten
Chapter 12 Eleven
Chapter 13 Twelve
Chapter 14 Thirteen
Chapter 15 Fourteen
Chapter 16 Fifteen
Chapter 17 Sixteen
Chapter 18 Seventeen
Chapter 19 Eighteen
Chapter 20 Nineteen
Chapter 21 Twenty
Chapter 22 Twenty-One
Chapter 23 Twenty-Two
Chapter 24 Twenty-Three
Chapter 25 Twenty-Four
Chapter 26 Twenty-Five
Chapter 27 Twenty-Six
Chapter 28 Twenty-Seven
Chapter 29 Twenty-Eight
Chapter 30 Twenty-Nine
Chapter 31 Thirty
Chapter 32 Thirty-One
Chapter 33 Thirty-Two
Chapter 34 Thirty-Three
Chapter 35 Thirty-Four
Chapter 36 Thirty-Five
Chapter 37 Thirty-Six
Chapter 38 Thirty-Seven
Chapter 39 Thirty-Eight
Chapter 40 Thirty-Nine
Chapter 41 Forty
Chapter 42 Forty-One
Chapter 43 Forty-Two
Chapter 44 Forty-Three
Chapter 45 Forty-Four
Chapter 46 Forty-Five
Chapter 47 Forty-Six
Chapter 48 Forty-Seven
Chapter 49 Forty-Eight
Chapter 50 Forty-Nine
Chapter 51 Fifty
Chapter 52 Fifty-One
Chapter 53 Fifty-Two
Chapter 54 Fifty-Three
Chapter 55 Fifty-Four
Chapter 56 Fifty-Five
Chapter 57 Fifty-Six
Chapter 58 Fifty-Seven
Chapter 59 Fifty-Eight
Chapter 60 Fifty-Nine
Chapter 61 Sixty
Chapter 62 Sixty-One
Chapter 63 Sixty-Two
Chapter 64 Sixty-Three
Chapter 65 Sixty-Four
Chapter 66 Sixty-Five
Chapter 67 Sixty-Six
Chapter 68 Sixty-Seven
Chapter 69 Sixty-Eight
Chapter 70 Sixty-Nine
Chapter 71 Seventy
Chapter 72 Seventy-One
Chapter 73 Seventy-Two
Chapter 74 Seventy-Three
Chapter 75 Seventy-Four
Chapter 76 Seventy-Five
Chapter 77 Seventy-Six
Chapter 78 Seventy-Seven
Chapter 79 Seventy-Eight
Chapter 80 Seventy-Nine
Chapter 81 Eighty
Chapter 82 Eighty-One
Chapter 83 Eighty-Two
Chapter 84 Eighty-Three
Chapter 85 Eighty-Four
Chapter 86 Eighty-Five
Chapter 87 Epilogue
Chapter 88 Bonus Scene 1 2: Chapter 59.5
Chapter 89 Bonus Scene 2 2: Chapter 60.5
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