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Chapter 8 Seven

Word Count: 2114    |    Released on: 21/04/2023

slashed across dotted lines, L

nitially sought a postponement, the o

hoed through the room, at which time every other wolf and lycan stood. The strength of their

d deeper and more threatening than anyone had ever heard when he ordered, “You fu

rs hostage until the breach is remedied, subjecting him to any form of treatment the kingdom deemed appropriate. W

ting-for look, Lucy prompted in a tone that was no l

g his fidgeting hands and quivering lips as his eyes wandered anywhere but at the primitive monsters in

s pulse on the electrocardiogram would match the cycle of a double beat and then nothing for a fe

sion and bring them to the headquarters within twenty minutes. Although aggression was evident in his voice, the sl

the room as sweat beaded Valor’s f

en meeting sessions, though creases of impatience marred his smooth brows spoke f

made worse when Greg conveniently chose this time to crack his knuckles, relishing at the way V

ne wen

d a curse and

ioned they were do

Valor’s life-pass had been approved when the metal doors parted and the suspende

eared relieved too, looking less stoned. Giovanni Patterson didn’t show much, like

more than ready to kill. Lucy got onto her feet as well as the warriors held

less. Nothing like the way she spoke to Valor. It marked the difference between an ally and a foe, Greg though

th hazel brown hair when he responded in a respectf

ed twice on it with her knuckles, satisfied with the solid sound that

d. “Your Majesty, I thought it was agre

f, “Zip it, John

e hunter apologized nonethel

f you don’t say the words I want to hear in the n

reader. How on earth would he know

ering his queen’s small shoulder, stroking it leisurely, lovingly. Only those closest to the royal couple k

nd uttered, “I’m sorry for q

” Lucy replied wit

ar warned with the same scowl, which promp

Octopus, Zasper Zavier, now placed before Xandar; the second was the former Deputy Chief Archer, Sofia Zelasko, now before Christian; the third, the former Chief Chameleon, Sen

ed. Since the hostages’ mouths were taped, Larson could only channel the depth of acrimony he had for the duke through his eyes: for fucking his girlfriend

Greg interjected, “Wait.” Pivoting to Lucy, he said,

d protests, Lucy asked,

a fuck as long as the

e a sword from a scabbard when she coolly said,

sure Larson and I would love

d to watch his prey suffer and tremble in fea

necks, letting the lifeless bodies sag. Lucy’s claws were about to plunge through Seni’s abdomen when the woman’s muffled “please”

someone else, someone calling the shots. Only Izabella knew him

enient incident that you’ve ha

d that, whether there was someone else or not didn’t erase the fact that these people were involved in attempting to steal Enora’s bl

aimed, “No! I have a child. She’s just turn

w up just fine without having you as a role model. The last thing I need is for you to teach the next gener

cy’s claws swiftly swiped all the way up through her chest, throat and head, making this the bloodiest exe

tissue tucked in the other as he gently cleaned the dots of blood off her cheeks, forehead, nose, and jaw, then pecking a k

. The warriors held the door open for the duke as he hauled the red-face, muffling cha

surface while Larson screamed and muffled a line of curses. Deciding to improvise instead of going ahead with the initia

him take bated breaths and turn pale, about to pass out. Right before he did, Greg’s

shard, Greg stabbed it into Larson’s throat, watching blood ooze like juice from a fruit. Finally, he tore out the chameleon’s rib. One by one. Lar

aised his handiwork while every

iar. Toby and Lucy - when they realized where the steps ha

his cousin, he uttered, “Inspiration can

he felt like they were the only two creatures in the room. Then, her voice permeated through the silence when she asked

heard anything like this before? The tone was meant to be fl

voice tore his min

en the choice, he muttered, “No need. We do

her there was anything else they wanted to discuss. There was

was alright - he’d had better days - and whether he could tell Enora about the chang



Chapter 1 Prologue Chapter 2 One Chapter 3 Two Chapter 4 Three Chapter 5 Four Chapter 6 Five Chapter 7 Six Chapter 8 Seven Chapter 9 Eight Chapter 10 Nine
Chapter 11 Ten
Chapter 12 Eleven
Chapter 13 Twelve
Chapter 14 Thirteen
Chapter 15 Fourteen
Chapter 16 Fifteen
Chapter 17 Sixteen
Chapter 18 Seventeen
Chapter 19 Eighteen
Chapter 20 Nineteen
Chapter 21 Twenty
Chapter 22 Twenty-One
Chapter 23 Twenty-Two
Chapter 24 Twenty-Three
Chapter 25 Twenty-Four
Chapter 26 Twenty-Five
Chapter 27 Twenty-Six
Chapter 28 Twenty-Seven
Chapter 29 Twenty-Eight
Chapter 30 Twenty-Nine
Chapter 31 Thirty
Chapter 32 Thirty-One
Chapter 33 Thirty-Two
Chapter 34 Thirty-Three
Chapter 35 Thirty-Four
Chapter 36 Thirty-Five
Chapter 37 Thirty-Six
Chapter 38 Thirty-Seven
Chapter 39 Thirty-Eight
Chapter 40 Thirty-Nine
Chapter 41 Forty
Chapter 42 Forty-One
Chapter 43 Forty-Two
Chapter 44 Forty-Three
Chapter 45 Forty-Four
Chapter 46 Forty-Five
Chapter 47 Forty-Six
Chapter 48 Forty-Seven
Chapter 49 Forty-Eight
Chapter 50 Forty-Nine
Chapter 51 Fifty
Chapter 52 Fifty-One
Chapter 53 Fifty-Two
Chapter 54 Fifty-Three
Chapter 55 Fifty-Four
Chapter 56 Fifty-Five
Chapter 57 Fifty-Six
Chapter 58 Fifty-Seven
Chapter 59 Fifty-Eight
Chapter 60 Fifty-Nine
Chapter 61 Sixty
Chapter 62 Sixty-One
Chapter 63 Sixty-Two
Chapter 64 Sixty-Three
Chapter 65 Sixty-Four
Chapter 66 Sixty-Five
Chapter 67 Sixty-Six
Chapter 68 Sixty-Seven
Chapter 69 Sixty-Eight
Chapter 70 Sixty-Nine
Chapter 71 Seventy
Chapter 72 Seventy-One
Chapter 73 Seventy-Two
Chapter 74 Seventy-Three
Chapter 75 Seventy-Four
Chapter 76 Seventy-Five
Chapter 77 Seventy-Six
Chapter 78 Seventy-Seven
Chapter 79 Seventy-Eight
Chapter 80 Seventy-Nine
Chapter 81 Eighty
Chapter 82 Eighty-One
Chapter 83 Eighty-Two
Chapter 84 Eighty-Three
Chapter 85 Eighty-Four
Chapter 86 Eighty-Five
Chapter 87 Epilogue
Chapter 88 Bonus Scene 1 2: Chapter 59.5
Chapter 89 Bonus Scene 2 2: Chapter 60.5
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