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Chapter 9 C9

Word Count: 1497    |    Released on: 21/03/2023

nda sighed. “Bringing up a child alone is indeed not easy. Zion, look at how frightene

n around anymore.” The little boy was also freaked out

ly on the shoulder. “Alright,

fear, Cynthia gently pushed the little boy o

have yo

nt to the opposite building to have a look.”

ould you run off that far? Are you not aware that there are plenty of cars a

voice them out, afraid that she would be mad again. Sticking o

to her arms. He was the most precious thing in her

ienced earlier continue

he obedient little boy quietly did some drawing and doodling. Having inherite

meaningful. So she looked them over and after carefully making some modifications, she managed to p

h it. All that was left now

ceeded with another round of lecture to the little’s boy d

fter having a few words with him and then prepared a bowl of noodles for hi

nto bed. Staring at his beautiful, delicate

wide awake. Thinking of her draft design, she wasn’t sure what

was not satisfied, she would come up with all kinds of ex

son to raise. Although she had stored up some savings for the last two years, it was f


out the task which she had been entrusted to do by Gabriel. She t

ort from the hospital, she was told t

trieve the report th


epare breakfast for her son. Over the years, she had transformed from a young madam whose ten fingers had never touched spring water into a kitchen godd

imself, washed his face, and brushed his teeth

my, it sm

waste any of it.” Cynthia laughed

that was made with love.” The little boy

had requested for the draft design to be sent over to her com

as simply outrageous. She was purpos

lly send it over or else she will call off the order. You’ve got to understand that if she goes through with

grievances from the depths of her heart. Che

ver to your house to babysit him. She’s a

ring for him at home was better th

ly find it difficult to handle Ange

ia felt a rush of

.” Linda then h

company could only mean one thing — Angela was definitely prepared to humil

er head, she looked at the peaceful and serene little boy at the table who was

f your son, what grieva

er a bunch of toys. Cynthia liked this assistant very m

take care of Zion.” Tania was

ow. I may not be back until much later. If I’m still not back for di

sure to take care of h

n’t stir up trouble. I’ll obediently listen

s small head with both hands, she leaned in to ki

ye, mo

g for her. They headed to the office first to get the draft d

tted gray suit walked through the corridor of t

r in charge and said with a smile,

port from his drawer and h

y surmised that one of the hair sample belonged to her boss and the ot

urious about the

at you’ve sent in, to wh

d. Of course she couldn’t say it was th

ates that these two persons have a father-son

rly pop out of their sockets. What? Th

nd son rel



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