img Her Worst Nightmare  /  Chapter 8 C8 | 3.56%
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Chapter 8 C8

Word Count: 1405    |    Released on: 21/03/2023

osing figure seated on the sofa. It stands to reason that looking at such a figure would ha

is eyes, this man was like a daddy figure. While waving at him, t

t of the child’s appearance which closely resembled his own

ace were carved to perfection. He had pink-flushed cheeks. This cha

rned to Assistant Sandra speaking in a serious tone, “Aunt, can

her boss to ascertain tha

promptly wav

med, this child was re

e eyes and apologized sincerely, “Mr. Gabriel, I’m sorry. I wanted to see

s handsome face, the man asked. His husky

oy then took off his backpack and reached in to take out the ré

at the sheet of paper which could not even pass for a résumé, with a photo of a woman pasted

“Yes! My mommy wants to apply for

ld little fellow. He found this notion inconceivable. The writin

nterested in you. Tell me, what’s your name? How old are you?” G

d such a strong curiosity about a particular m

ppointedly. “Why are you not interested

eliver this résumé?” Arching his br

works overtime every day and still has to take care of me. I want to find her

hs just to get close to him. Just because this child resem

back and tell your mommy not to use you to get close to me.

“It wasn’t my mommy who told me to come

p with curiosity. “Why

ps compressed in a tight line, the misty-eyed boy s

boy in shock. He gently aske

addy looked like. One of the aunts said I looked just like you. So I was wondering

is world was the innoc

, crumbling it inch by inch. He thought fierce

lip. Evidently, he had failed in h

g several strands of his short black hair on the résumé, he said, “Uncle, here’s my hair containing my DNA. If you have the time, can you have

? I’ll get someone

no need.” He glanced at his mommy’s résumé and said, “Uncle, think about it again. My m

e’d already run to the door. Pus

the strands of short, black hair on that

ss things. He was absolutely certain that he h

ould toss them into the bin together with the résumé, or to

is door and pushed it open while holding

ch require your attention. Please sign them.” A

ind her, a low, magn

ook at him. “What other instructio

issue on his table, he took out a few to wrap his hair and Zion's separately, then handed

d out to receive them and nodde

at the fastest speed possible. Once

missing. Have you seen him? She’s

ch a small child possibly

to the two female staff. “Aun

nd your mommy. Your mommy has been worried sick.” The female staff i

call the police. She then heard a sweet, tender voice ca

y turned stern. “Zion, where have you been? Didn’t I warn you not to simply run a

’t run around any more.” Heart achi



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