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Chapter 3 C3

Word Count: 1630    |    Released on: 19/03/2023

ng age, landed her a job which she loved. And through her hard

gner. Her creativity had won her numerous international awards. And the

e address for her company’s relocation would

ad disappeared. She had deliberated over it. Why should she have to give up three years of her hard-earned position be

e cam

wson? Is this not her flight?” The

voice sounded from beside her, “I am

a lady around her age looking her way. Staring at her i

only at the age of twenty four, was appointed as chief designer. However, to obtain such a position, it was not depe

as enthralled by a pair of the world’s most dazzling eyes. She laughed in surprise f

retorted, “I am not mommy’s


that alone was enough to startle her. Now, she even brought along a three

s my so

Tania beamed with un

’t help but play with Zion enthusiastically. Because

ago drifted into her mind. This was the place where she had experienced love and hate. For four years, she had not concerned

’t all that interes

wasn’t even aware that she was five-month pregnant. Only when she had felt the mo

er fetus. She went to so many hospitals but she was denied beca

the child began to grow in her womb, tossing about daily like

in a state of drowsiness, she had heard the soft whisper of the n

and had placed him in her arms, it had seemed like her heart was engulfed in b

who had violated her body could possibly

put the resentment for the Leonards family behind her. She had begun to work hard to earn money in order to raise her

success. And her child

gilded signboard of the Leonards Group gleaming in the mid-day sun.

nownst to her, her curse did not materialize. Instead, the Group h

r father’s shares which he had once owned during his lifetime, the f

uired the means to do so, she would surely

ade this pledg

. It was situated at a high-end residential area. There was also a bili

week off for her to unw

eek off with her son in the cit

er boss personally called her up, notifying her that a wealthy lady had made a

company. She was a designer who was

aiting to meet her back at the company. However, her kid hasn’t even b

s in a while, you stay in mommy’s office, don’t run

t, I will behave.” The little boy blin

is little handsome, refined face. People who have seen him said

then this must mean that he resembled his father. In her min

ly, tall or short, she

e-year-old, and approaching the height of a five-year-old, with good looks t

including conversing in both Mandarin and English. Interestingly enough, her kid had even helped

was t

t me again. Am I that good-loo

d. “Mommy gave birth to you,

t I don’t look like you.

t a twinge of guilt at the absenc


my father?” The little boy was filled with excitement. “Wha

n at her watch. “Alright, I’m

he centre. Looking up, she caught sight of an imposing skyscraper. What was unique about it was that this skyscraper was comprised of three to

not far away. In front of this building, it s


xclaimed. He already had a sense of ap

e was no doubt smaller. However, it was still situated smack dab in the hear

high-rise building, it had t



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