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Chapter 6 C6

Word Count: 1470    |    Released on: 20/03/2023

at him, she said, “Little bean, it’s better not to invite troub

ht?” While he was carefully studying the man in th

atures bear a striking similarity to him. Your father must be a very handsome man, otherwise

boy questioned, “Aunt Tania, are you sure

herself wasn’t actually sure of this. Gabriel was, at present,

was thinking of preparing a brief introduction of his mommy to hand it

he had been in her junior year, Angela had suddenly approached her and had helped her out with various things. It had been a chance encounter. She had lowered her guard and had become good

. Behind her, a tender voice called out t

ed her handsome little son run towards her. Lifting him in

to suffer any grievances, set aside a

or that I’ve picked for

will like it.” Cynthia said whi

before working. I’ll g

m with a smile. She then looked at his cheerful, dep

most of her colleagues have left. Tania had volunteered to stay behind to a

you print out a

ou need a

wore a beseeching expression on his face. Looking at the pair of

laught. She immediately petted him on his head

o herself, such a small little bean, he wouldn’t be fami

her through her overtime. She planned to bring her work home and cook up a meal for

taying in the same living accommodation that the company had arr

when there’s a child an

inished. After he had a glass of milk, Cynthia bathed him. Smelling like his

, don’t stay up too late working! I’ve read that it’s

e was still young, he acted like an adult

s small study table and took out the résumé that Tania had printed out for him today. He t

weakness. His sloppy handwriting

ote mommy’s name, ag

n that would extol mommy’s virtues. For instance, mommy was

ned it. From inside his school bag, he took out a small photo alb

his hand was starting t

e it with him tomorrow to find Gabriel. He would then be able to

in his head, the little bo

nd saw the little boy sleeping soundly under the covers. She walked up to the be

she fell asleep as soon

y mo

t wasn’t all that proper. Since school was out for the summer, she planned to pick out some courses that were of interest to

task of babysitting the little bean. If Cynthia managed to secu

a cool backpack, dressed styl

Tania was captivated by his looks. Looking at h

an Adonis in the eyes o

ry day.” The little boy confidently

m that she had her doubts even though the

her father calling, she hurriedly picked up the call. “Hello, dad?

e little boy, she said, “I need to ask for a

up and go. I’ll not run about.” The little fellow s

office door was pushed open by Tania. With red eyes, she sniffled, “Cynthia, my father ha

mmediately nodded. “Sure!

e, picked up her hand bag

e. She said softly, “Aunt Tania has left to d



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