img The Day We Said Goodnight  /  Chapter 5 Goodbye | 8.47%
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Chapter 5 Goodbye

Word Count: 1728    |    Released on: 19/08/2022

she was smiling. Smile as if thrilled. I was back in a trance when my phone suddenly vibrate. I'm in the last class now and I still can't forget what happe

wn nu

Let's meet in the par

impossible! She sh

put away my belongings and left the roo

at what I had bumped into and went straight for the walk. But I

Did something happen?" Giovanni l

d to find her," I was already shedding tears

en I got to the parking lot I didn't see anyone else. They we

parking lot when suddenly someone covered m


will do when something bad happens to my queen. I was back in a trance when someone suddenly approa

find her. I've been looking for her before," Why am I nervous a

s your

you help me to find her?" I seemed to be stoned to where I stood w

issing so she looked for you. Then y

c room because I joined their club then celeste didn

ol has access to cctv. I immediately checked all parts of the school and saw celeste


od. Don't let celeste escape because when that


My whole body hurts. I remember! Cassidy was missing.

ear princess is awake."

hands and feet are boun

kidnapped you and then I let you go? A

ou doing t

you notice Giovanni! Giovanni is just mine! You think I don't notice tha

already hurting h

ance to run away. But when I c

escape. My whole body still hurts so I can't run properly. I a

nd and foot. I can't imagine why Elythrea was obsess

tch up with you. You're doomed!"

suddenly felt something in my thigh. She shot me! The pai

place and I'm st

ouch my hair. I tweaked her until I didn't notice that we were at the end of the precipice. And suddenly one

se I was dizzy and my bod

n you right away! I want you to get out of my way Celeste! And do you also think that I know that you are the Heiress of the Young Empire? Well thanks to Giovanni and I found out from hi

My body could no longer control everything and in a fl


r. Akhiro Winchester is also looking for her but even though they have the be

s were dirty and stained with blood. It was also tangled and she was out of breath and didn't seem to know wh

said. It is possible that Elythrea did it because s

because she can be the one to take aya becau

'm following her. Oh yeah thank you again Mr. Winchester," All of Celeste's relatives came home because they were worried about her. Th

suddenly disappeared. She probably found out tha

enly stopped my car and went

mething is wrong. I even traveled around other

m wearing before she disappeared. That means she's just close to it

shouted but no one answered. I will be d

Celeste's bloody corpse. I immediately took my cellphone and opened the gps tr

bloody. I can't figure out why this was done to celeste. I didn't realize that tears were al

I met her in the parking lot she got my attention. I don't like to talk to women and I'm not easily attached

y eyes but the pain I was feeling sti

cars, she will hit me with her heels, It's fine with me. She's just alive. But what is lost cannot be returned. I have to accept losing her even if it’s hard. I need to know who killed her.

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