img The Day We Said Goodnight  /  Chapter 2 First meet, First kiss | 3.39%
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Chapter 2 First meet, First kiss

Word Count: 2371    |    Released on: 19/08/2022

diately looked at us. Others met me and

st go to the parking lot for a while I

ling! I answered the call but I heard no one speaking. I was


iver. I hit it hard but he still wouldn't open it

ch heels and hit his car window agai

his voice was full of disgust and he arched his brow

s not my fault if your car is fake and easily damaged!" I shouted in front of him. I can't co

pocket and aimed it at my neck. Oh sorr

ely touched my wrist and when he noticed the crest on it

use this is a sign that I am an heir and he can

ok the dagger from him in quick manner and motion. He was surprised at what

on his lips mixe

him angrily. I think differently about him.

my hairs stood on end. I don't know but I just

g that "Giovanni".

ed with your bodyguards one after another!" Cassi

led me in and whispe

ut all we have to do is go to the cinema to get dressed and we come out wearing different clothes so we don't to be followed by bodyguard

o just watch the movie. When we entered we immediately changed our clothes and le

dn’t had dinner yet. Cassidy and I just got a

when at every crossroads there are mens looking at us. This is the road that the car took earlier so we are comfortable that

m and we stopped. I looked the way back but three men were also approaching in our direction. I turned my attention to

ind me. I felt tension but I didn’t show it. If I reveal my fear that is matched by the feelings of my two companio

I said but I immediately realized that that would not help our situation today. One of the members of that group spoke. "Are you ne

een a woman as brave as you. It's a pity if we just break your arrogance. If you want, just give us your friend and you can leave," said Tattooed Man. Ca

oos asked and looked at Cassidy. I smiled at them. When Ca

ardships I went through. I trained for a year and now I can knock them out in just o

. But just as he was about to touch Cassidy, I violently shook his arm. "I'm not a generous pers

he neck and bravely met his gaze. I pointed to the tattoo. "Delcour Mafia crest. You were responsible fo

e I’m doing but at these times. I see no other way for us to survive this situation. I accept that everyone will die- even Cassidy. Don't let me be the

habit of giving up that easily. I grabbed Cassidy by the arm and pulled her running back. I used the shock of the group to get away. When we got close to the three gangsters blocki

. What kind of plan

jaw. "Damn! Just run!" I shout at her. I don’t know how long I can hold back these gangsters before they catch up especially

also strong and know how to fight

huh?!" Their leader

to escape. I got a slap. "You want to experience Schivan's fate? In that case, I won't prolong that any longer," He pulled out a gun and pointed it

uffer in the way of interrogation by Dad, Mom, and Mrs. Cassandra. Jet Black was right. Man always think about his past before he dies, as if he were fran

I will never forget. Is he here? Did he save me? That voice that I knew belonged to the devil has become a miracle for me. I opened my eyes and the

saw Gio's anger register on his face when he noticed the blood on my lip. "Fuck you, Sky! You hit her! I'll kill holding my girl!" Gio shouted furiously and again aimed t

. Like huh? my girl your face! but this is not the t

at?! Do I have a secret shocking code to say? Gio lowered the gun. "Let's go," And he helps me walk away

," Gio picked up the gun again and pointed it at Sky's face. The man quietly walked away in front of us and w

fe. But wait? How does he know those men? Was he one of those who killed Apol

ther mafia and our family have a deal in that place where it's hidden. It's just your b

he know

hen I got out of this car I sud

ng me," I stutter at the mention an

hing seem wrong? The coldness of my hand and still nervous. Wait! You are not

ddenly pulled my arm and kissed me on the lips. All of a sudden my hair stood on end. I

n because I was also short of air. As our lips parted I was

n before he kissed me again. I even heard him say

rld is now becoming Soft? Became Soft because of Gio? no, it's wrong. I will not persuade him

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