img The Day We Said Goodnight  /  Chapter 3 Make him mad | 5.08%
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Chapter 3 Make him mad

Word Count: 1136    |    Released on: 19/08/2022

cause I had never been able to lie to him. He didn't stretch me either and he sent

chool so we didn't do anything and we haven't complained yet. It’s

bai now because he still has a lot to finish and he is also studying there. As for mom, I have no news, I can't contact

about you too much? While I was in a meeting, dad suddenly called that something ha

rom my ear because of the excessive no

couldn't continue what I was saying when he

got in the car and waited for her.

erday. Do you know that I was so nervous that I thought

ssidy. My parents raised me with a good heart. They taught me how to help. So

immediately let

also have a different schedule. Just text me wh

of the car. I was on my way to the classroom when a car pulled up in front of me. He lower the window to the driver's car an

ked him and r

r?" He said in a

said, Because I b




's scene in his car. His reaction is still very passive so it's irritating. It was als

t that

ved here first. Who will ad

at spot so you better move that fcking car of y

ke it or not. I don't care if you like that spot. I want it, t

rd some gi

at Giovanni is the lead

s doo

last day here in I

scene here, she's

Priceless! Who would have thought that someone would answer to the leader of the boys? I hadn't gone far

. Those animals are really irritated. They write "spot stealer" "go away" and "get lost" to my c

ood of his car. He even crossed his arms while watching his boys do what he was doing in my car. I glared

looking at?" What!

s. My.

ce?" The Boy smiled. I couldn't control myse

u destroyin

lt you don't want to leave. Th

s that spot! I was first so you have n

appening. I pushed the boy and took the baseball to my car which I often handy in case of emergency. And this is an emergency. So I'm go

royed," I saw the shock in their eyes. Looks like they got

thing. They were all shocked at what happened. After that I approached Giovanni who was stunned by what happened in his car and then I whispered. “Don’t blame me

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