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The Day We Said Goodnight

The Day We Said Goodnight

Author: sammichinn
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Chapter 1 Meet the C's

Word Count: 1090    |    Released on: 19/08/2022

! Mom leaves and Dad’s other family arriv

to be left here with Dad's new family. Maybe what wi

't let Mom leave," I said calmy. It'

th you here. Don't worry I'll take care of your child, I'll take

ck dad

is there anything left here? And look, the garbage

a woman who was not very tall an

ious daughter, Cassi

my mom like that ?!"

face to shout at me?

your mother. You know why? You have

she would pour me the coffee she was holding. I immediately took the umbrella held by hiro and opened it and blocked it in

y before finally g

studying in Dubai for sure and Mom will be able to stay in London for a long time

aning against the sink and drinking fresh milk

ave here. You know it's hard to live with tw

sn't that your suggestion?" I answer her b

d of this. I have also become accustomed to always being targeted by a gun because

y came in without Cassidy noti

want dad's attention on us and not on you, not on hiro and especially not on your worthless mother

r? To your step sister? Do you know when you were born that was my proudest

to her. "Go on kill me in front of dad." I said sarcas

e here to Basement Celeste. Now!" at Dad's sudden scream I immediate

screaming. I suddenly wondered what was reall

d something happen?" I didn't feel lik

wn! They also have plans to take over as an Inc. I'm not sure what that is," I was shocked at Dad's attit

iately fiddled with my laptop and

eone emailed me that the two Empires were conspiring," dad added. That's how an

failing that it's just their infidelity?" My answer is full of authority. I don't kno

t step is. And if something bad h

. I remember that I was

gave puppy eyes to dad. I know he will allow me but I

I immediately cursed in my mind. Wow! really with Cassidy? serio

get ready if you want, come

Dad replied smiling. I saw Cassandra's surprised face. Maybe she d

" dad suddenly looked at me. Oh no! not even the bodyguards. I d

inkled. I also saw that Cassidy's face wrinkled because of t

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