img Wild Adventures In Bed  /  Chapter 4 C4 | 1.83%
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Chapter 4 C4

Word Count: 978    |    Released on: 25/07/2022

ended too many soldiers who’d crossed paths with him. Soft leather trews and a dark green tunic with boots

her throat, and she swallowed

an Cameron called fro

forward, shaking her like a ra

isappointment in the past. Had he been looking for her for so lo

,” Dunca

is chest with enough force to knock the breath from her. Another soldier appeare

concentration as he neared. Something feral sp

d grin. “The royal crest of Alexander,” he whispered. “All this time y

she gri

nt and then he stepped back,

nd released her arm. Crispen wa

e laid eyes on Crispen. “Is this her b

is not hers. We caught him trying to steal one

rid o

at Duncan with all the force of her hatred. “You

suffused his face, flushing it to near pu

said calmly. “That would

ss the cheek. She fell to the ground,

alone!” Cri

he was cradled in her arms. “Shhh,” she c

senses,” Duncan said. “See to

s unmarred boots. He must never work, she thought. Even his hand was soft against her ch

her to the women to bath

red to Crispen. She didn’t

the outside gleamed, the inside was dirty and musty and smelled of days-old ale. Dogs

rs. “And don’t be trying anything. I’ll have guards posted outside

’s bath viewed her with a mixture of sympathy

the lad to bathe

claimed from his

choed softly.

beautiful blue gown with elaborate embroidery around the neck and sleeves and again at the hem. She didn

ge her hair, Mary shook her head. A

ted the room, leaving her to

t to Crispen, and he snuggl

you dirty,”

n’t c

we going t

fear, and she kisse

thing, Crispen. We’l

y shoved Crispen behind her. Finn stood t

ird wan

looked directly into her eyes. “Stay here,” she w

is eyes wide

hen he reached for her arm, she yanked i

itch,” he

saw the priest standing next to the fire in the great hall, she knew that Duncan was

she prayed for strength and



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