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Chapter 2 C2

Word Count: 1085    |    Released on: 25/07/2022

on. She’d heard talk of him from the soldiers who drifted in and out of the abbey. He was a ruthless man. Greedy and eager to add to h

led one revolt against David in a bid for the throne. Were Malcolm

s. The possession of Neamh Álain

help me,” s

of Neamh Álainn. It was her legacy, the

as she prayed for strength and guidance. Some of the soldiers slept while others kept careful watch. She wasn’t f

nted her an advantage. She had nothing to fe

aight up and staring into the darkness. Around her, the sleeping soldiers st

around the fire and dropped him on the ground. The child crouc

his?” Finn

eak one of the horses,”

the light of the fire. The boy, who couldn’t be more than seven or eight y

ent little pup

ground, throwing herself in front of the ch

herself back over the child, gathering him clos

g obscenities in Gaelic. His head connected w

his own language. “Be still.

him!” Fin

nd flailing. Finn reached down and curled his hand into her hair,

st,” she said cooly when he

cked her in the ribs. She hunched over in pain but was c

n barked. “The laird w

et her keep the dirty beggar. She’ll

o Finn’s eyes. “You touch this boy ev

crazy bluff, lass. If you’re going to try to

rom the much larger man. She stared up at him

l sharp objects from me. Think you that I don’t know what my fate is? To be bedded by that brut

narrowed. “Y

I’d be worried one of those sharp objec

The laird will deal with him and you.

boy who huddled on the ground, staring a

uggle up tight enough, there’s ple

, tucking his smaller

she asked when he ha

nfully. “It must be a ways f

thingly. “How did y

the keep without his men, but I was tired of

I know. So you

go meet Uncle Alan. He was due back and I th


ur la

your papa,

one.’ ” The distaste was evident

name. Now continu

our name?

he answer

s Laird Ed

clans she had no knowledge of. Her home was in the highla

eet your uncle. T

ed to take me to his laird to ransom, but I couldn’t let that happen. It would



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