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Reading History

Chapter 5 C5

Word Count: 1150    |    Released on: 25/07/2022

n said, as he turned from his

died her intently, almost as if he were war


at and focused his attentio

lowly, she shook her head. The priest swung his

You told me you both

acking. The priest hastily crossed himself and

lood ran cold. For such a handsome m

r arm above the elbow, squeezing u

,” he said in a deceptively s

f he saw his path to Neamh Álainn shattered. But she hadn’t stayed sequestered all these years on

of a broadsword into her spine. In a clear, d

veral feet, and she huddled into a ball, gasping for breath. He’d hit h

ment, she knew she’d chosen right. Even if he killed her in his frenzy, what would her life be like as his wife? After she

nded, his fist r


ame out more of a breathy exhalation than anything,

Duncan’s face swelled, his cheeks purplin

of pain was muted by the next blow. Over and over, he kicked

you’ll k

ho uttered the warning. She hung in his gra

s to give her any food or water. Nor that brat of hers. We’ll see

h step up the stairs was agony as she bounced against the hard s

ttling for consciousn


er, his little hands g

pered hoarsely. If he touched

he said desperately. “I’l

he’d survive in Duncan’s hands if she died that prev

ing a scream down her spine. Crispen bore as much of her weight as he

wn her cheeks. Breathing hurt. Crispen settled next to he

ugged her to his little body. “Please don’t

, wake up. You

soon as she turned, seeking the annoyance that disturbed her

nxiously. “I know you’re badl


cobwebs. Beside her, Crispen stirred and gave a start

he impatient vo

u?” Mary ma

p. He’ll think you too badly hurt to escape. We have to go now if

anished. She tried to sit up but nearly c

o, lad,” the woman said to Cri

over the bed and

?” Mary asked when they

as he did you. He’s mad. You’ve been his obsession. I fear for y

with the little strengt

I can’t risk taking you. At the end, Fergus waits for you with a horse. He’ll put you

in agony or die in comfort. Didn’t

turned back to Mary, and put a finger to her lips. She m

nch, they crept by the sleeping guard in the darkness of the hall. Mary held her breath the



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