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Chapter 3 C3

Word Count: 1272    |    Released on: 25/07/2022

blew over her breast. He sounded so much

y before he discovered me.” He tilted his head up, bumping her sore jaw

lly. “But we are in the lowlands, and I would wag

he spat. “Are

hemence. “Nay, Crisp

re?” he persisted. “Did the

ng story. One that bega

m with a gentle squeeze. “Go to sleep now, Crispen

to escape?”

tone. The fear in his voice made her ache for him. How terrifying i

to my papa? I’ll make him pr

in his voice. “Of course, I’l




d my

at attention, their expressions solemn. Some were creased in sympathy. They be

emplated himself, but he would not res

said in a low voice. “To do so would leave us vulnerable. I trust you two with my life—with my son’s l

oods brothers, nodded. “You know

now,” Edw

his fingers into fists of rage. Who dared take his son? For three days he’d waited for a ransom de

s plotting to hit him when he was weak? When every

name had always been synonymous with power and pride. Eight years ago they’d withstood a crippling attack. Betrayed by the woman Cal

had returned. Just a hulking mass of ruins, his peop

for Edward to take ov

al hours to make sure there was food for the oldting ork, the women, and the children. Many times the men went without.

curate. Revenge had been all that sustained him for these pas

ring news o

ldiers hurrying up to him, his tunic dusty

” he co

border of your land. He took him, intending to deliver him to their laird s

t the soldier who took my son to the entrance of my keep or he signs his own death warrant. If he doesn’t comp

r bowed. “

r breaching their tacit peace agreement. Though the two clans could hardly be considered allies, McDonald wasn’t stupid enough to incite th

ard’s holdings realized it. But Edward’s sights weren’t on his neighbors. They were on Dunca

stone skirt and into the courtyard. Thoughts of escape deteriorated

repairs on portions of the inner wall, others taking a rest

arms were looped around his body, her hands tied together in front of him, and she squeezed h

e had to fight to stay in the saddle. Crispen s

horse. Crispen came with her, screeching his sur

r arm with his grip. She wrenched away and rea

stock of the new arrival. A few of the keep’s women stared cu

concerned with what would happen when Laird Came

arp as he sought her out. The rumors of his greed, of his ruthlessness and ambition, led her



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