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Chapter 9 Meeting my Family

Word Count: 593    |    Released on: 30/10/2021


me. There was a little girl mother carried on her back. It was promise. I asked Potiphar " which home "?.When my house is a

at me and didn't say anything much. She only said I am not angry with you small mu

he h

She said " yes my step mum".After mum died, Dad thought that it

step mum's name was Rose. Mrs Rose had always maltreated me except her son, Potiphar. We do call him '

s Dad's car. I, Potiphar, and Promise entered into the car. Potiphar was the one who drove the car. When we got to the T-junct

way from home. He said my dream was to be a fashion designer but Dad didn't agree because he wanted you to be under


s. My mum,I mean your step mum was the on

fter three months of showing love to you,she started beating you and malt

both the clean ones and the dirty ones.She never let

wanted I wanted to do).I was twenty years then. My dad shouted at me,while my mum was just the peace maker.I made my way out

, stopped shouting he rush

in tumour before now and also had breast cancer. Dad blamed me on that

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